I have an entity called Club that has a sub-grid for another entity called Membership. When I am on a Club record and I click the "+" on the Membership grid, it opens a create window with the Lookup fields pre-populated. The fields it currently pre-populates are both Lookups to the Club entity, but for one of the fields I don't want it to pre-populate to the Club entity that clicked the "+". How can I achieve this?
I have looked at the 1:N relationships on the Club and Membership entities. The membership myloweslife entity has a N:1 mapping from the field in question to the Club but when I try to remove the mapping it says that the component is in use by CRM so I cannot remove it. If I remove the fields from the dependent forms and then remove the mapping, what are the repercussions of this? I've noticed that other fields have lookup mappings but they don't pre-populate so why does this field in particular? I don't have any business rules or javascript that pre-populates it. What else can I try here to narrow down the issue?
Opening the Membership Create form from a Club entity pre-populates the lookup fields to the entity record that opened the create form. I want it to not pre-populate a specific field.