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Microsoft Dynamics NAV (Archived)

Problem Installation NAV 2017 database Cronus on Surface Tablet

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The installation of the demo version of Nav 2017 on my SURFACE tablet stops following an error

ERROR : Package Module Language (en-GB) for Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server failed with error. See detailed message above.

I'm Admin on the machin, i execute the installation package as Admin.

Objective : to install a standard Nav version with the Cronus base to make the choice of this solution


Configuration Surface : Surface Pro 3, Windows 10 Pro, Version 1703, Version du système Exploitation 15063.540, 64 bits

Office 365 : 2016

Error Report (sorry, is in french)

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Build 17972

Rapport d'erreurs

Composants d'installation

Ce composant a été restauré.


Composants client Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Ce composant a été restauré.

Module Langue (fr-FR) pour le client Windows Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Ce composant a été restauré.

Outil d'administration

Composants client Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Ce composant a été restauré.


Composants serveur Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Ce composant a été restauré.

Module Langue (fr-FR) pour Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server

Erreur irrécupérable lors de l’installation.

 Le service « Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server [DynamicsNAV100] Â» (MicrosoftDynamicsNavServer$DynamicsNAV100) n'a pas démarré. Ce problème peut avoir plusieurs origines. Par exemple, le mot de passe du compte qui exécute le service est peut-être incorrect, ou il peut y avoir un conflit dans les paramètres de port pour le service de partage de port, ou vous avez spécifié que le port du serveur doit être ouvert dans le pare-feu Windows même si le pare-feu Windows n'est pas activé sur l'ordinateur. Pour plus d'informations, consultez l'Observateur d'événements.

Composants de base de données SQL Server

Base de données test Cronus pour Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Ce composant a été restauré.


=== Logging started: 2017/08/31 13:32:32 ===
Executable: C:\outils\CU 9 NAV 2017 FR\NAV.10.0.17972.FR.DVD\setup.exe v10.0.17972.0
--- logging level: standard ---
RegistrySearch: Id = 'SqlServerInstalled', checking registry key existence.
Id = 'SqlServerInstalled', Key = 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSSQL$NAVDEMO', Exists = '1'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'SqlNCLIInstalled', checking registry key existence.
Id = 'SqlNCLIInstalled', Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SQLNCLI11', Exists = '1'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'DotNetFx45Release', searching for registry key value.
Id = 'DotNetFx45Release', Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full', Value = '460798'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'VstoInstalled', searching for registry key value.
Id = 'VstoInstalled', Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VSTO Runtime Setup\v4R', Value = '1'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'PowerShell30Installed', searching for registry key value.
Id = 'PowerShell30Installed', Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\3\PowerShellEngine', Value = '5.1.15063.0'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'WindowsSearchInstalled', checking registry key existence.
Id = 'WindowsSearchInstalled', Key = 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WSearch', Exists = '1'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'Excel14Installedx86', searching for registry key value.
Id = 'Excel14Installedx86', Registry key not found. Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Excel\InstallRoot'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'Excel14Installedx64', searching for registry key value.
Id = 'Excel14Installedx64', Registry key not found. Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Excel\InstallRoot'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'Outlook', checking registry key existence.
Id = 'Outlook', Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\OUTLOOK.EXE', Exists = '1'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'Outlook15', checking registry key existence.
Id = 'Outlook15', Key = 'Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Outlook\Setup', Exists = '0'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'Outlook16', checking registry key existence.
Id = 'Outlook16', Key = 'Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\Setup', Exists = '1'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'VCPPSpLevel', searching for registry key value.
Id = 'VCPPSpLevel', Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DevDiv\VC\Servicing\12.0', Value = '0'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'VCPPInstalled', checking registry key existence.
Id = 'VCPPInstalled', Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DevDiv\VC\Servicing\12.0', Exists = '1'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'VCPP64Installed', checking registry key existence.
Id = 'VCPP64Installed', Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DevDiv\VC\Servicing\12.0', Exists = '1'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'IISInstalled', checking registry key existence.
Id = 'IISInstalled', Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InetStp', Exists = '1'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'IISWinAuthInstalled', searching for registry key value.
Id = 'IISWinAuthInstalled', Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InetStp\Components', Value = '1'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'IISASPNETInstalled', searching for registry key value.
Id = 'IISASPNETInstalled', Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InetStp\Components', Value = '1'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'IISASPNET45Installed', searching for registry key value.
Id = 'IISASPNET45Installed', Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InetStp\Components', Value = '1'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'IISNETFXInstalled', searching for registry key value.
Id = 'IISNETFXInstalled', Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InetStp\Components', Value = '1'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'IISNETFX45Installed', searching for registry key value.
Id = 'IISNETFX45Installed', Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InetStp\Components', Value = '1'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'IISISAPEXInstalled', searching for registry key value.
Id = 'IISISAPEXInstalled', Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InetStp\Components', Value = '1'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'HttpActivationInstalled', checking registry key existence.
Id = 'HttpActivationInstalled', Key = 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WAS', Exists = '1'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'IISISAPIFIInstalled', searching for registry key value.
Id = 'IISISAPIFIInstalled', Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InetStp\Components', Value = '1'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'IISREQSTFIInstalled', searching for registry key value.
Id = 'IISREQSTFIInstalled', Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InetStp\Components', Value = '1'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'IISSTATICInstalled', searching for registry key value.
Id = 'IISSTATICInstalled', Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InetStp\Components', Value = '1'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'WebComponentsPrerequisitesInstalled', searching for registry key value.
Id = 'WebComponentsPrerequisitesInstalled', Registry key not found. Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\100\Web Components Prerequisites'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'IdentityFoundationInstalled', checking registry key existence.
Id = 'IdentityFoundationInstalled', Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Identity Foundation\Setup\v3.5', Exists = '1'
Configuring package. Id = 'ARP'
MSI log file set to: C:\Users\pierr\AppData\Local\Temp\
Done configuring package. Id = 'ARP' ReturnCode = 0
Configuring package. Id = 'RoleTailoredClient'
MSI log file set to: C:\Users\pierr\AppData\Local\Temp\
Done configuring package. Id = 'RoleTailoredClient' ReturnCode = 0
Configuring package. Id = 'SQLDemoDatabase'
MSI log file set to: C:\Users\pierr\AppData\Local\Temp\
Done configuring package. Id = 'SQLDemoDatabase' ReturnCode = 0
Configuring package. Id = 'ServiceTier'
MSI log file set to: C:\Users\pierr\AppData\Local\Temp\
Done configuring package. Id = 'ServiceTier' ReturnCode = 0
Configuring package. Id = 'OutlookAddIn'
MSI log file set to: C:\Users\pierr\AppData\Local\Temp\setup.wix.msi.b0.log
Done configuring package. Id = 'OutlookAddIn' ReturnCode = 0
Configuring package. Id = 'RoleTailoredClient_FR'
MSI log file set to: C:\Users\pierr\AppData\Local\Temp\setup.wix.msi.b1.log
Done configuring package. Id = 'RoleTailoredClient_FR' ReturnCode = 0
Configuring package. Id = 'ServiceTier_FR'
MSI log file set to: C:\Users\pierr\AppData\Local\Temp\setup.wix.msi.b2.log
Windows Installer: Error: Service 'Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server [DynamicsNAV100]' (MicrosoftDynamicsNavServer$DynamicsNAV100) failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services.
Done configuring package. Id = 'ServiceTier_FR' ReturnCode = 1603
Rolling back MSI package. Id = 'RoleTailoredClient_FR'
MSI log file set to: C:\Users\pierr\AppData\Local\Temp\setup.wix.msi.b3.log
Done rolling back MSI package. ReturnCode = 0
Rolling back MSI package. Id = 'OutlookAddIn'
MSI log file set to: C:\Users\pierr\AppData\Local\Temp\setup.wix.msi.b4.log
Done rolling back MSI package. ReturnCode = 0
Rolling back MSI package. Id = 'ServiceTier'
MSI log file set to: C:\Users\pierr\AppData\Local\Temp\setup.wix.msi.b5.log
Done rolling back MSI package. ReturnCode = 0
Rolling back MSI package. Id = 'SQLDemoDatabase'
MSI log file set to: C:\Users\pierr\AppData\Local\Temp\setup.wix.msi.b6.log
Done rolling back MSI package. ReturnCode = 0
Rolling back MSI package. Id = 'RoleTailoredClient'
MSI log file set to: C:\Users\pierr\AppData\Local\Temp\setup.wix.msi.b7.log
Done rolling back MSI package. ReturnCode = 0
Rolling back MSI package. Id = 'ARP'
MSI log file set to: C:\Users\pierr\AppData\Local\Temp\setup.wix.msi.b8.log
Done rolling back MSI package. ReturnCode = 0
ERROR: Package Module Langue (fr-FR) pour Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server failed with error. See detailed message above.
=== Logging stopped: 2017/08/31 13:36:06 ===

Thank you for your help.

Bonne journée


*This post is locked for comments

  • RE: Problem Installation NAV 2017 database Cronus on Surface Tablet

    Hello Marcell,

    i execute the Windows installer as an Admin. I don't change the Service account. In my way it's AUTORITE NT\SERVICE RÉSEAU

    Serveur :

    name : localhost

    service name : DynamicsNav100

    Service account : AUTORITE NT\SERVICE RÉSEAU

    Thank you very much for your help and your time

  • Marcellus Profile Picture
    Marcellus 2,735 on at
    RE: Problem Installation NAV 2017 database Cronus on Surface Tablet

    Hi Pierre,

    I managed to install it.

    Reading the error log again I think this is the important part: Windows Installer: Error: Service 'Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server [DynamicsNAV100]' (MicrosoftDynamicsNavServer$DynamicsNAV100) failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services.

    We have already looked at if the port 704* is used by the NAV 2009 instance but that is not case.

    During the install did you change the service account or you left it as default: NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE?

  • Marcellus Profile Picture
    Marcellus 2,735 on at
    RE: Problem Installation NAV 2017 database Cronus on Surface Tablet

    Don't worry. I will download this FR build and see if I can reproduce the problem.

  • RE: Problem Installation NAV 2017 database Cronus on Surface Tablet

    Hello Marcell,

    thank you very much for your detailed answer !!

    I thought it was good. But I tried twice, uninstalling everything before and it never worked. :(

    Really, I do not understand.

    It's at the time of the installation of the language module FR Dynamics Nav that the problem occurs

  • Suggested answer
    Marcellus Profile Picture
    Marcellus 2,735 on at
    RE: Problem Installation NAV 2017 database Cronus on Surface Tablet

    Hi Pierre,

    That could cause a problem if you have a NAV 2009 rtc service running using the client services port 7046 because the new NAV 2017 demo instance is trying to use the same port.

    I think what you should try to change the ports when you run the NAV 17 setup.

    Instead of using the "Install Demo" options use the "Choose an installation option".

    An customise the developer option:


    If you choose the following components to install the demo database, server, client and web client.


    On the next screen change the ports numbers like below:


    Hopefully this will work.

  • RE: Problem Installation NAV 2017 database Cronus on Surface Tablet

    Sorry Marcell for my first response : i have an older version of Nav installed !!

    Nav 2009 R2

    and i need it for old version of Nav


  • RE: Problem Installation NAV 2017 database Cronus on Surface Tablet

    Hello Marcell,

    Thanks for your answer. No other version of nav installed. It's the first time i installed Nav on this tablet SURFACE.


  • Marcellus Profile Picture
    Marcellus 2,735 on at
    RE: Problem Installation NAV 2017 database Cronus on Surface Tablet

    Hi Pierre,

    Do you have another NAV version already installed?

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