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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Account Maintenance - "this account is not a posting account"

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Posted on by 850

I set  up multiple accounts and for some reason there were 3 that say account is not a posting account. For some odd reason they appear as "0" account type. How do I even go back and change it or even delete and recreate the accounts? Thank you so much.

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  • despich Profile Picture
    despich 5 on at
    Account Maintenance - "this account is not a posting account"
    We had this happen and used the new Cards - Financial - Mass Modify with the delete option to delete them and then recreate them.   Still not exactly sure how they got created that way in the first place. 
  • Suggested answer
    hersheys Profile Picture
    hersheys 850 on at
    RE: Account Maintenance - "this account is not a posting account"

    This same thing happened again. I figured out how to delete these accounts and was able to recreate. I went to Mass Modify Chart of Accounts and pick "Delete" under the Modify: drop down selection. Enter the account you need to delete. Hit Modify at the bottom of the screen. Then once they are deleted, I was able to recreate the same accounts without any problems.

  • Suggested answer
    manolo Profile Picture
    manolo 97 on at
    RE: Account Maintenance - "this account is not a posting account"

    I just had this particular scenario happened to us and solved it going to cards>financial>Unit Account and deleting the account.

    previous to deleting the account I did a select * from GL00100 where ACCTYPE = '2' to verify the status. The creation date was 6/28/2016 (so someone create it in the wrong place yesterday). No transaction in the inquiry window.

    once we deleted the acct my finance mgr proceded to create the account again and it was fine.

  • Verified answer
    hersheys Profile Picture
    hersheys 850 on at
    RE: Account Maintenance - "this account is not a posting account"

    I have a wonderful IT person that has been so involved with any of my GP issues. He was able to fix my issue. Here's what he sent me on how he fixed it.

    In the company database having account issues, I located the bad Account records using the SQL query below.

    I do not know how or why GL00100.AcctType was a value of 0:

    -- We had three consecutive new accounts that were “bad”


    FROM GL00100


    -- SQL for fixes below:


    -- For each bad Account, only once, run this commented section to generate a next NOTEINDX

    -- For us on the “bad” accounts they were zero values as well

    DECLARE @MyOutput table(

       OldNOTEINDX numeric(19,5),

       NewNOTEINDX numeric(19,5)




    OUTPUT deleted.NOTEINDX, inserted.NOTEINDX INTO @MyOutput


    -- Make note of the NewNOTEINDX value and use in your GL00100 update(s) below

    SELECT * FROM @MyOutput




    -- Fix each of the ACTINDX records by setting ACCTTYPE=1 and assign a generated next NOTEINDEX value

    UPDATE GL00100 SET ACCTTYPE = 1, NOTEINDX = 5359559.00000 WHERE ACTINDX = 32311

    UPDATE GL00100 SET ACCTTYPE = 1, NOTEINDX = 5359560.00000 WHERE ACTINDX = 32312

    UPDATE GL00100 SET ACCTTYPE = 1, NOTEINDX = 5359561.00000 WHERE ACTINDX = 32313

    -- Determined the needed items by examining GP stored procedure:  dbo.smLoadDefaultAccounts


  • Suggested answer
    Murray Profile Picture
    Murray 7 on at
    RE: Account Maintenance - "this account is not a posting account"

    I am having the same issue as of 4/1/2015.  I setup one new expense account.  It doesn't recognize it as a posting account.  I see it listed under Unit Account, Variable Allocation, and Fixed Allocation, but if you select it it states it is not a 'unit', 'variable', or 'fixed' account.

  • Suggested answer
    RE: Account Maintenance - "this account is not a posting account"

    You have looked up the account type in SQL - have you also looked to see if there is any data in the GL tables?

    When you look at the GL00100 table, does the account number (s) in the table create a complete account number?

    In this am looking to see if all the segements are populated?

    How was the Chart of Accounts Created?  Was it done manually, via Import or did you do a SQL table mapping move from another system?

    Interested to know the answers.

  • Suggested answer
    RE: Account Maintenance - "this account is not a posting account"


    Have you tried to run checklink against account master.  Please take a backup before running checklink.

    Microsoft Dynamics GP menu >> Maintenance >> Check Links

  • hersheys Profile Picture
    hersheys 850 on at
    RE: Account Maintenance - "this account is not a posting account"

    This is not a unit account. We don't use unit accounts. Thanks.

  • hersheys Profile Picture
    hersheys 850 on at
    RE: Account Maintenance - "this account is not a posting account"

    Done that already. Same message. Thanks.

  • Suggested answer
    Mahmoud Saadi Profile Picture
    Mahmoud Saadi 32,738 on at
    RE: Account Maintenance - "this account is not a posting account"

    Practically speaking, the account type of GL accounts should be one of the following

    ACCTTYPE (Account Type):
    1 – Posting Account
    2 – Unit Account
    3 – Posting Allocation Account
    4 – Unit Allocation Account

    Reference: Victoria Yudin - GL Tables

    In this essence, you should check the following tables:

    GL00100 Account Master, GL00103 Fixed Allocation Master, GL00104 Variable Allocation Master

    If you are definitely sure that this is a posting account, you consider a test (after taking a back up of your company), to update the account type value to 1.

    Running check links for the financial series is a must of course

    Your feedback is highly appreciated,

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