How to host enterprise portal site to fully qualified domain name (FQDN) in ax 2012.Please suggest on this issue.
Thanks in Advance.
How to host enterprise portal site to fully qualified domain name (FQDN) in ax 2012.Please suggest on this issue.
Thanks in Advance.
The easiest way
If you have internet with Static Public IP , From your Edge Device ( Router , Firewall) you can do NAT (Port Forwarding ) to the Server IP and Port where your EP Site is Hosted. If you want to access your own company domain (website , email ) then you can create sub domain and redirect to your Public IP. then outsiders can access your EP with <subdomain>:<Port> , but make sure to configure SSL and Necessary Security configuration are in place in order to protect from the threats .
Other method is to sign up for the Dynamic DNS , this will facilitate you to configure NAT even without Static IP , from the security perspective Dynamic DNS is somewhat secure than Using Static IP.
as third method you can establish Point to site VPN , and use your own internal domain as it is without Direct exposing connection to the out side , this will be the best method from the security Perspective .
and you don't want to play with your Public Domains and Host Records.
Hope this will help,
Amith Prasanna
(Please mark answer as verified it this sorted your issue)
So is the actual question: how to publish your EP site in public internet?
As far as I understand, this is actually an IIS / DNS question (with perhaps some SharePoint flavor) - perhaps this will help you find better results via web search. But most likely there's nothing AX/EP specific about it. So any IIS / DNS / SharePoint documentation, discussions and blogs can be helpful - please try to search for them as well.
I Googled quickly and there's plenty of material available. Perhaps you can start with this: www.hivelocity.net/.../
Hi Nikolaos
Thanks for your response,We are facing issue is given in detail
I have configured EP successfully with this URL servername:80/.../DynamicsAX
and I can able to access site as well but my client wants to call the site with a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for external-facing sites, the host might be the name of the business or organization, as registered by using a domain-hosting company
For example like this www.microsoft.com
do we have any specific step up so that we can configure it.
What exactly do you mean by that?
Anyway, EP is hosted on SharePoint so most likely your question is more about how to set up SharePoint. Once you have it set up, you simply deploy EP to your site.
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