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Alert Notifications after Form Submission

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How do I set an alter notification to myself and another in my organization once a form has been (filled or) submitted. Is there a way to do this during a customer journey I've created?

  • Suggested answer
    cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Alert Notifications after Form Submission

    Hi Patrick,

    Sorry to have kept you waiting so long. 

    I met trouble while I execute send email workflow, it always gives me error and thus notification email can't be sent while I using default onmicrosoft mailbox 

    Now I got success with add another mailbox as CRM email server (Gmail).

    My implementation is that adding a custom two option field called "Is From Marketing Form" and set its default value to No in Contact entity Customization,

    then I also add same two option field on marketing form and map it to the previous field, set its default value to Yes and enable "Hide field" option for it. 

    Result are below:



    My customer journey setting: 

    Set your landing page as start tile, add a trigger to detect whether form submitted, finally add workflow as end tile.


    The workflow can be simply configured with "If contact Is From Marketing Form equals Yes" and an "send email" action, new contact name will be automatically tracked with dynamic value.

    Please check "As an on-demand process" option before activation, it will make the workflow be an available option in Workflow tile drop-down list. 


    Be aware of that once a workflow is added into customer journey to execute, Start when and Scope fields will be ignored.

    Finally, you could read this thread for Gmail integration in CRM.



  • megcda Profile Picture
    megcda 2,192 on at
    RE: Alert Notifications after Form Submission

    Hi IronPatriot,

    Thank you for the feedback.  I suggest that you visit our Dynamics 365 for Marketing Ideas portal and submit this as a feature request.  Community votes do impact our roadmaps and our PMs regularly review the Ideas.



  • IronPatriot Profile Picture
    IronPatriot 290 on at
    RE: Alert Notifications after Form Submission

    This isn't rocket-science, and it's a MAJOR oversight on Microsoft's behalf.  Users shouldn't have to create Workflows, Customer Journeys, and/or anything to simply get notified when someone submits a form!  ClickDimensions has had this for as long as I can remember.  It's a given that the person running a campaign wants to know if someone has signed up for something, submitted a form, whatever.  The Form should, like, ClickDimensions, have an ACTIONS tab:


    The Actions tab should have different options for what has to happen when a Form is submitted: Email the Owner of the Record; Email the Owner of the Form; Email the person who submitted the form to thank them; etc, etc, etc.

  • Suggested answer
    Stephan_ec4u Profile Picture
    Stephan_ec4u 5 on at
    RE: Alert Notifications after Form Submission

    Just put in an Engagement E-Mail to the flow and replace the 'To address... ' with a static one of your choice.


  • Patrick Garcia Profile Picture
    Patrick Garcia 25 on at
    RE: Alert Notifications after Form Submission

    Thank you, Clofly – can you give me a better view of that image? I just need a simple email notification that I can insert in the Customer Journey.. Forms (someone filled it out) > Marketing Message (Thank You) > (email my staff) <

  • Patrick Garcia Profile Picture
    Patrick Garcia 25 on at
    RE: Alert Notifications after Form Submission

    Thanks, Abhinav!

    What if I want more than just myself to be included in the notification? Noted, both my form and marketing message that says “Thank You for your Submission” are live – so when someone from our site fills out a form which is embedded in Dynamics, I want to have 3 people receive an “email notification” that someone submitted a form. Does this make sense?

  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Alert Notifications after Form Submission

    Hi Partick,

    If you want to get a notification of new contacts in a customer journey,

    you could add an Activity tile in your customer journey pipeline as below: 


    After user submitted form then he will be created as a contact in DB and joins in this customer journey as a segment member(even if there is no segments tile),

    then an activity will be added for him, and regarding value will be set to that contact. See here for how to generate activities from customer journey and what is an inbound customer journey.

    In addition, because the Owner field of those contacts that generated from form submit is SYSTEM,

    you could trigger workflow when a contact is created which its owner is System as criteria or create a custom view to filter out contacts from submit form.



  • Suggested answer
    Abhinav Sunku Profile Picture
    Abhinav Sunku 350 on at
    RE: Alert Notifications after Form Submission

    Hello Patrick Garcia,

    As per my understanding, you can set an alert notification by using trigger in the Customer Journey, in properties set rule Source: New marketing form and Condition: Form submitted.

    Note: Minimum Trigger timeout should be 1 hr


    Hope it helps,

    Best regards,

    Abhinav sunku.

    “If this has answered your question, please mark as Verified!”

  • Suggested answer
    Pawar Pravin  Profile Picture
    Pawar Pravin 5,227 on at
    RE: Alert Notifications after Form Submission


    Do you mean to say that after submission (created event) of data in record, you should get alert notification ?

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