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Dynamics Business Central migration forum

Error while migrating from Business central 21.1 to Business central 24

Posted on by 2
I have migrated my database from BC18.5 to 21 and now I want to migrate to BC24 but I am getting error in the sync step. 
I have published my System Application, Business Foundation, Base Application and Application app. Then I am trying to Sync using 'Sync -NavApp'.
I am getting the following error while running the command /Sync-NAVApp -ServerInstance CBBTEST24 -Tenant default -Name /Base Application/ -Version 24.0.16410.18056/
Error:- Could not upgrade the extension 'Base Application' by 'Microsoft' from version '21.1.48363.48638' to 
'24.0.16410.18056' for tenant 'default' and company '' due to the following error: 'You tried to invoke the Report object with the ID 50011 from the object Upgrade - BaseApp. An object with 
that ID does not exist in the current application compiled with emit version 24034 
Why is it referring to a custom report at id 50011? and how do I proceed further. Any help would be appreciated
  • Suggested answer
    dschulze Profile Picture
    dschulze 4 on at
    Error while migrating from Business central 21.1 to Business central 24
    We also had this problem when updating a BC 21 to BC 24 version.
    Using the event log (see answer above), we were able to see that the error originated from the UpgradeReportLayouts() function of codeunit 104000 "Upgrade - BaseApp". Going further down, we can see that the function MigrateCustomReportLayouts() is called from codeunit "Feature - Report Selection", in which the table 9650 "Custom Report Layout" is accessed.
    We have therefore concluded that there is a problem with these custom report layouts. As these custom report layouts were not relevant for our customer, or could simply be recreated, we decided to switch to the local SQL server and delete individual (not all!) custom report layouts in table 9650 "Custom Report Layout" using an SQL script.
    The base app can then be updated with the previously failed command.
    We would be very happy if Microsoft (or Continia) could take another look at this issue in order to receive custom layouts in future updates.
  • FJ-23051130-0 Profile Picture
    FJ-23051130-0 2 on at
    Error while migrating from Business central 21.1 to Business central 24
    I have a simular problem.
    Could not upgrade the extension 'Base Application' by 'Microsoft' from version '15.6.42646.0' to '24.0.16410.18056' for tenant 'default' and company '' due to the following error: 'You tried to invoke the Report object with the ID 50001 from the object Upgrade - BaseA
    pp. An object with that ID does not exist in the current application compiled with emit version 24034.
    I have now Unpublished all custom apps except Continias.
    There were a Invoice Report in one of my apps with id 50001, but as mentioned, this app is now unpublished. And I still get the same error.
    Now I don't know what to try.
  • Verified answer
    Saurav.Dhyani Profile Picture
    Saurav.Dhyani 14,613 User Group Leader on at
    Error while migrating from Business central 21.1 to Business central 24
    Can you please check the error message using PowerShell.
    This should tell you function name where error message is. You can check Function in Upgrade codeunit of Base App to see where that call is.
    Additionally, it might be an issue with CU0 of BC 24, try doing upgrade to BC 24 CU1.
    Saurav Dhyani
  • CU16051739-0 Profile Picture
    CU16051739-0 2 on at
    Error while migrating from Business central 21.1 to Business central 24
    I'm also getting the same error while upgrading from BC21.4 to BC24. Can someone help on this?

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