if you are talking about "not posted documents"
on "not posted" purchase invoice lines when you do "Get Receipts function", the Receipt number & Receipt line number are on the Invoice Line ("Receipt No." & "Receipt Line No." table 39 fields), if you don't have this fields on form\page you can add (need development you don' have in standard form\pages)
if you are talking about "posted documents" and missing links, some issues from network:
"Relationship between Post Purchase Invoices and Purchase Orders".
if you post purchase invoice by using function "Get Receipt Lines", only one alternative solution, in first posted purchase invoice line description field, you'll get posted purchase receipt no., then from posted purchase receipt you'll Purchase order no (PO No.)
When you do Get Receipts, the Receipt number is on the Invoice Line. You can retrieve the Receipt Header from there, which in turn should have a reference to the original order in the "Order No." field.
Open the Purchase Order form, click on the "Order" button and then click "Invoices". This opens the purchase invoice list populated with all related posted invoices, and they should all be there. In the RTC that is under "Related Information".
Here is the relationship in SQL format:
SELECT pil.[Document No_]
,LEFT(RIGHT(pil.Description, 9), 8) gr
,prh.[Order No_] PO
FROM [Purch_ Inv_ Line] pil
INNER JOIN [Purch_ Rcpt_ Header] prh ON prh.No_ = LEFT(RIGHT(pil.Description, 9), 8)
WHERE pil.Description LIKE 'Receipt No. GR%'