RE: AX2009 standard cost costing version create Inventory cost revaluation voucher in production order
Hi Ludwig,
Thanks a lot,
In the just, I found the reason, it is because Inventcosttrans table, It lost a line of record..
When we report as finished a production , inventrans will change the status to received and create a trans in inventcosttrans, CostTransType is receipt and the CostTransState is physical.
when we ended the production order, inventrans will change the status to purchased and create a trans in inventcosttrans, CostTransType is receipt and the CostTransState is financial.
but I lost the financial trans in inventcosttrans table in 2019/12/20, when I ended the production order.
so per quarter when I update the cost in costing versions, it will new a Inventory cost revaluation voucher,
ervery inventcosttrans transaction has a ItemPriceRefRecId relations with InventItemPrice,
And when I update item cost price, system will search the latest ItemPriceRefRecId , so if I want to the system cut down the relation and don't create the new Inventory cost revaluation voucher, I need to clear inventcosttrans the latest transaction's ItemPriceRefRecId ....Add the lost transaction record as end the original production order does not help..