Sorry if this is a Newbie question, but I am trying to learn as I go.
I sucessfully added about 4k accounts in a previous excel import of Account's and it had some failures, but i somewhat expected that. I recently added another 1k, but accently had the "Primary Contact" name populated which caused an error for all the Account records as this is a Lookup from the account to the Contact object.
The issue is that now when I attempt to reload the Account records I get the error (0x80040333 -2147220685 Name: DuplicateRecordsFound
Message: A record was not created or updated because a duplicate of the current record already exists.) that there is an existing account record, which of course there really isn't (they are likely in a pending state??) as they all errored off.
I have been searching for the past few hours and not really finding any way to resolve this.
This is the list of the imports - the bottom one is from the initial load and has no overlapping accounts.
Just want to drop any pending and reload the corrected file, but can't seem to get past this??