Hello? Is anyone out THERE, there, there???
Does ANYONE that uses FS, have a Time Entry approval process? If so did you have to do development to get there?
I THOUGHT it already had that feature built in but I don't see how others would do it,
- given the assumption that you want to see what the technician did for that time entry in order to approve it
- given that there doesn't seem to be a way to edit how much billable time that time entry should be billed
- given that there doesn't seem to be a way to add all/or selected billable time entries as labor to a work order.
Here's our approval process. I have to figure out how to adjust it to fit with FS and/or augment FS to work with our needs.
- Tech tracks time and leaves notes of work completed, exceptions, etc.
- When WO ready for Invoicing Review
- the time logs get reviewed/edited for customers eyes
- the amount of time billable for each time log is adjusted (if tech spent 3.5 hours on something and it was our fault the billable time may be adjusted to less, etc.)
- once time logs are adjusted then labor items are added to the WO
- either one labor line item for all labor
- or you can select which time logs to create a labor item for if you prefer to items out labor for specific sets of time logs
- WO is posted
Are there not companies trying to do something similar?