I created a workflow a week ago which worked fine. It is based on some fields in a BPF. Today I copied a different BPF because it had a condition I needed, and then set up the exact same fields in this copy version as are in the workflow. Now when I change BPF in the CRM, the workflow doesn't trigger at all.
The only other thing I changed was that I set the Owner to be a generic login that we use as the owner of all workflows etc. I realised that might be an issue so logged in as this generic user and made sure the workflow was activated.
The workflow is published, activated, and the trigger is set to be when record fields change. When I change the fields in question, nothing happens and no process session is created. I unticked the box which automatically deletes completed workflow jobs and still nothing. I've set it to run as both a background and an on-demand process, still nothing.
I'm completely lost as to why it's not working. I tested a few different workflows where I changed the user to this generic login and had to reactivate them, and they all work fine. I can only assume the issue has something to do with the fact I changed the BPF but I don't see why because I've used the exact same Fields in the new copied one. The BPF itself works fine, it's just not triggering the workflow since I changed it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.