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Prompt message for duplicate email event registration

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Is there anyway we can prompt error message to user if using the same email address to registered an event?

  • ShaileshJain Profile Picture
    ShaileshJain on at
    RE: Prompt message for duplicate email event registration

    For new endpoints and checking pages

     check the docs for the CDS Web API. For how to implement it in the Portals – best to connect on Portals forums, Event Management is using Portals merely for hosting. In general you need to:

    • Create API in his webservice, the same as registration API of the website which he wants to add the validation to
    • Customize the website to call his endpoint instead of ours
    • On receiving request in his API
      • Do the sync validation checks
      • Call our registration API if checks are OK
      • Return response with his enhanced validation
    • Customize the website to act upon the enhanced validation
    • Visitors may still will be able to work around this – by using new email address, or by calling the Event Management API (the latter can be sorted by using secret application token, used only through the customer’s API)

    For the after-the-fact cancellation

    explore this approach (not recommended, but could work if your scenarios are limited - your mileage may vary)

    • Create an async plugin that listens to registration create
    • Does the check for other registrations
    • Deletes the registration if it finds one with the same contact
    • Please note - the plugin cancellation isn’t any official guidance, as there might be corner cases, to name few –
      • the ‘deleted’ registration will keep blocking a spot for a bit, so there’s a corner case when approaching max capacity
      • there’s a race condition, which might result in two registrations with same contact
      • the contact will still have two registration interactions
  • FlowerPi Profile Picture
    FlowerPi 35 on at
    RE: Prompt message for duplicate email event registration

    Thanks for your reply! Wondering could you guide me on how to implement ODATA API in the event portal of angular project? i would like to try the performance. Also for the workflow that you mentioned, could you guide me also? Appreciate! 

  • Suggested answer
    ShaileshJain Profile Picture
    ShaileshJain on at
    RE: Prompt message for duplicate email event registration

    Ask: when user registers for an event, show an decline message on registration page if the user is already registered.


    • We allow multiple registrations by one contact (parent registering children, assistant registering managers)  - so we treat this scenario as a special case
    • Contact creation does execute contact matching as in, you can choose to match by email alone; first name and last name; or email, first name, and last name.
    • However as the community responses indicate, this is done on backend AFTER registration was submitted. The ask here was to handle this on frontend on the page itself
    • It would be a potential security risk to check for attendees (“let me check if CEO of this company is going”) by using somebody else's details
    • if you still want to do this check on frontend pages - The registrations are done within marketing service to ensure high availability and performance, so simple D365 customization is not possible, you will need to leverage CDS OData API. I would think this would kill the performance, and users would need to wait a long time for submission to go through.


    • Do not block creation of event registrations, instead "cancel" it post facto - create a workflow for asynchronous deletions of event registrations, that checks whatever is needed, and deletes the registration if it’s a duplicate.
    • This message will not be propagated to the user, on registration pages though. It would be offline communication via journey emails sent to bonafide email address of cancellations, say 4 hours after submission
  • FlowerPi Profile Picture
    FlowerPi 35 on at
    RE: Prompt message for duplicate email event registration

    Hi Giselle,

    Thank you for you reply, but what i want to prevent is during the event registration process via Event Portal, not in dynamics portal. In dynamics portal we have already set the Event Registration alternate key contact and event field to prevent. However, when user register via the Event Portal, it will still show "Thank you for your registration" even though the record will not save for the event. That is why i need to have something like API to get the current event registration list contact to check during the event registration process.

  • gisiquei Profile Picture
    gisiquei on at
    RE: Prompt message for duplicate email event registration

    Hi there, I would suggest evaluate Duplicate detection rules basically once you create a rule to monitor an specific field with email and you inform the conditions (like exact match) the duplicate detection feature will alert the user that this email already exists, please notice the feature will most like alert the user but user can eventually proceed with saving or cancel to write a different email.

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