*btw we are still onprem...
Basically I thought the solution in on the Knowledge Article that "uses the Quick Create form (only my assumption) to prompt user to enter a Reject Knowledge Article reason." is really neat!
So when end user selects Rejected in the Review Stage on the BPF on the knowledge Article, it opens something looks like a Quick Created From with a "Reject Knowledge Article" title and a required field "Reason for rejection", with a Reject and Cancel button. does anyone how this was achieved?
wonder how easy / difficult it would be to implement something similar on a custom entity with a Status Reason. when Status Reason is changed to Reject, we open the notes quick create form to capture the reject reason and if user click on cancel we would reset the Status Reason to the previous value etc...
I forsee 2 challenges here, a. I am not sure how to open the quick create form Notes (as Notes's allowed quick creation is greyed out); b. when user clicks on Cancel on the Quick Create, it's not going to do a callback to the JS function...
Any ideas, suggestions?