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Generate BPF stages from lookup table

Posted on by 5

I have a "Projects" entity. It's required to use different BPF depending on "Project type" field value. I can not "hardcode" choosing the relevant stages sequence in BPF logic because stages should be able to edit by a customer: number of stages, name, some custom fields are dynamic. Something like that but actually stages should be generated from "Project Phase Duration" entity


The questions are:

  1. Is it somehow possible to regenerate BPF stages based on lookup table using C# code?
  2. If there are several stages in lookup table and I refer to some fields in stages steps then all stages display field values from the first lookup stage only. How to link displayed stage to relevant lookup record?

Will appreciate any help.

  • RE: Generate BPF stages from lookup table

    Got it. It's a real pity. Thank you, Leah.

  • Verified answer
    Leah Ju Profile Picture
    Leah Ju Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Generate BPF stages from lookup table

    Hi Serhii,

    Current, Dynamics 365 does not support create /update/delete action on "processStage" entity.

    And the following operations can be used with the processstage entity type.


  • RE: Generate BPF stages from lookup table

    Hi Leah

    My idea is that when user manipulate with "Project Flow Duration" entity the plugin behind should manipulate "processstage" entity creating/updating/removing business process flow stages at BPF meta data level. Not user but code should change stages inside BPF.

  • Suggested answer
    Leah Ju Profile Picture
    Leah Ju Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Generate BPF stages from lookup table

    Hi Serhii,

    Based on your screenshot, the BPF across two entity(Project & Project Phase Duration).

    What does regenerate BPF stages mean?

    If administrator have added stage into one BPF, common users can't customize them through code or other way.

    Maybe you can create two BPF or more, then add different stages you want into it.

    You can use workflow/flow to get or set active stage of the BPF. 

  • RE: Generate BPF stages from lookup table

    Forgot to attach related lookup table example for picture above


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