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Automate order from Email and MS Forms - Errors

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Posted on by 71
Hi All,

Trying to do the following:
Customer sends either an email or fills in an MS Form to place a Sales Order, we will be going towards using power pages in the future

-- Created the queue etc no problem but the power automate flow is not working.
From the email, we just want the order to be created against the contact or the account, not interested in some fields as we'll manually enter that once the order is placed. We have a flow that sends a message via teams as the last step in the flow.

All the information in the body of the email will be put in the 'Description' field of the order

Firstly can this be done?
Please see the following screenshots of the flow and errors: 

Firstly, the following are required so I've tried to make them enter default values
Name - Using Subject
Price List (PriceLists)

This is what I want if possible:
'Currency' field: To be set with the default which is 'US Dollar'
Price List field: I want it to default to 'Automated Sales List' which is a price list we have
I created an expression
addProperty(variables('PriceLevelId'), item(), variables('Automated Sales Order'))

but it came back wit the following error:
Request to XRM API failed with error: 'Message: Flow client error returned with status code /BadRequest/ and details /{/error/:{/code/:/InvalidOpenApiFlow/,/message/:/Flow save failed with code 'InvalidVariableOperation' and message 'The inputs of workflow run action 'Create a record (don't rename this step)' of type 'OpenApiConnection' are not valid. The variable 'PriceLevelId' must be initialized before it can be used inside action 'Create a record (don't rename this step)'.'./}}/. Code: 0x80060467 InnerError: '.

Any ideas or suggestions 


  • Verified answer
    Leah Ju Profile Picture
    Leah Ju Microsoft Employee on at
    Automate order from Email and MS Forms - Errors
    Hi Partner,
    The currency and prices lists are two lookup fields on the dataverse, you need use correct format in the power automate.
    Format: Entity Logical Name Plural (GUID) or Entity Logical Name Plural /GUID
    * The GUID can be either a variable or a static value, but it must be formatted in this way or an error will be reported.
    Refer to the following links:

    I hope you can verify my answer if it helps you! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
  • RachelColes Profile Picture
    RachelColes 71 on at
    Automate order from Email and MS Forms - Errors
    Hi Leah Ju,

    My flow:
    I used variables for the two values I wanted as default




    The problem is when it tries to create the record it comes up with the 'URL was not parsed due to an ODataUnrecognizedPathException. Resource not found for the segment provided in the URL.' error

     Looks like the data has entered correctly but something is stopping it from creating the record....


    Tried different options but still same result...

  • Verified answer
    Leah Ju Profile Picture
    Leah Ju Microsoft Employee on at
    Automate order from Email and MS Forms - Errors
    Hi partner,
    You mentioned that you need populate it in the flow:
    Price List field: I want it to default to 'Automated Sales List' which is a price list we have.
    The price list field is a lookup field and you have a static value that you want to populate - Automated Sales List', why not just populate the guid in there?
    --Format: Entity Logical Name Plural (GUID)

    I hope you can verify my answer if it helps you! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

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