Hi All,
For upgrade process I install hot fix KB4035163 in Ax 2012 R3 cu8 after installing am getting 164 error ,Please guide me resolve those error's .
Description | Path | Line | Method/Property name | Diagnostic ID |
The PurchInvoiceJournalPost::deepCopyFromActiveToSaved method is obsolete. This method is no longer used. | \Classes\PurchInvoiceJournalPost\endUpdate | 42 | endUpdate | Err:191 |
Variable exciseTaxPostHandler has not been declared. | \Classes\PurchPackingSlipJournalPost\CreateCancelCorrectTaxExciseVoucher_IN | 56 | \Classes | Err:9 |
Variable canAvailExciseRecoverableOnProdRcpt has not been declared. | \Classes\PurchPackingSlipJournalPost\CreateTaxExciseVoucher_IN | 23 | \Classes | Err:9 |
Variable exciseTaxPostHandler has not been declared. | \Classes\PurchPackingSlipJournalPost\PostTaxExciseVoucher_IN | 10 | \Classes | Err:9 |
Variable canAvailExciseRecoverableOnProdRcpt has not been declared. | \Classes\PurchPackingSlipJournalPost\updateTaxExciseVoucherTaxTrans_IN | 22 | \Classes | Err:9 |
Variable canCommFactureBeUpdated has not been declared. | \Classes\PurchTableCanBeUpdatedContract\parmCanCommFactureBeUpdated_RU | 1 | \Classes | Err:9 |
The #List4 macro does not exist. | \Classes\PurchTableCanBeUpdatedContract\unpack | 19 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #OID_07 macro does not exist. | \Classes\ReleaseUpdateDB60_Vend\updateTax1099Fields | 24 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #mhtml macro does not exist. | \Classes\RetailBaseReportManager\buildReportFileName | 37 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #zip macro does not exist. | \Classes\RetailBaseReportManager\compressFolder | 49 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
Variable validateLoadStatus has not been declared. | \Classes\SalesFormLetterContract\parmValidateLoadStatus | 1 | \Classes | Err:9 |
Variable validateLoadStatus has not been declared. | \Classes\SalesFormletterParmDataPackingslip\whsFindValidLoadIds | 56 | \Classes | Err:9 |
Variable validateLoadStatus has not been declared. | \Classes\SalesFormletterParmData\parmValidateLoadStatus | 1 | \Classes | Err:9 |
The wrong number of arguments has been specified for the method. | \Classes\SalesFormLetter\parmValidateLoadStatus | 3 | \Classes | Err:10 |
The #BaseDocument_IT macro does not exist. | \Classes\SalesSalesEInvoice_CustInvoiceJour\createBaseDocument_IT | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #CredInvJour macro does not exist. | \Classes\SalesSalesEInvoice_CustInvoiceJour\createCredInvJour | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #BaseDocument_IT macro does not exist. | \Classes\SalesSalesEInvoice_CustInvoiceJour\existsBaseDocument_IT | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #CredInvJour macro does not exist. | \Classes\SalesSalesEInvoice_CustInvoiceJour\existsCredInvJour | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #ReasonTableRef macro does not exist. | \Classes\SalesSalesEInvoice_CustInvoiceJour\existsReasonTableRef | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #BaseDocument_IT macro does not exist. | \Classes\SalesSalesEInvoice_CustInvoiceJour\parmBaseDocument_IT | 5 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #CredInvJour macro does not exist. | \Classes\SalesSalesEInvoice_CustInvoiceJour\parmCredInvJour | 5 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #ReasonTableRef macro does not exist. | \Classes\SalesSalesEInvoice_CustInvoiceJour\parmReasonTableRef | 5 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #DimensionAttributeValueCombination macro does not exist. | \Classes\SalesSalesEInvoice_CustPaymModeTable\createDimensionAttributeValueCombination | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #DimensionAttributeValueCombination macro does not exist. | \Classes\SalesSalesEInvoice_CustPaymModeTable\existsDimensionAttributeValueCombination | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #PaymentType_MX macro does not exist. | \Classes\SalesSalesEInvoice_CustPaymModeTable\existsPaymentType_MX | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #DimensionAttributeValueCombination macro does not exist. | \Classes\SalesSalesEInvoice_CustPaymModeTable\parmDimensionAttributeValueCombination | 5 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #PaymentType_MX macro does not exist. | \Classes\SalesSalesEInvoice_CustPaymModeTable\parmPaymentType_MX | 5 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #DirPartyContacts_Cust macro does not exist. | \Classes\SalesSalesEInvoice_CustTable\createDirPartyContacts_Cust | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #DirPerson_Cust macro does not exist. | \Classes\SalesSalesEInvoice_CustTable\createDirPerson_Cust | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #TaxRegistration_Cust macro does not exist. | \Classes\SalesSalesEInvoice_CustTable\createTaxRegistration_Cust | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #DirPartyContacts_Cust macro does not exist. | \Classes\SalesSalesEInvoice_CustTable\existsDirPartyContacts_Cust | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #DirPerson_Cust macro does not exist. | \Classes\SalesSalesEInvoice_CustTable\existsDirPerson_Cust | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #ForeignerId_BR macro does not exist. | \Classes\SalesSalesEInvoice_CustTable\existsForeignerId_BR | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #PresenceType_BR macro does not exist. | \Classes\SalesSalesEInvoice_CustTable\existsPresenceType_BR | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #TaxGSTReliefGroupHeading_MY macro does not exist. | \Classes\SalesSalesEInvoice_CustTable\existsTaxGSTReliefGroupHeading_MY | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #TaxRegistration_Cust macro does not exist. | \Classes\SalesSalesEInvoice_CustTable\existsTaxRegistration_Cust | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #DirPartyContacts_Cust macro does not exist. | \Classes\SalesSalesEInvoice_CustTable\parmDirPartyContacts_Cust | 5 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #DirPerson_Cust macro does not exist. | \Classes\SalesSalesEInvoice_CustTable\parmDirPerson_Cust | 5 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #ForeignerId_BR macro does not exist. | \Classes\SalesSalesEInvoice_CustTable\parmForeignerId_BR | 5 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #PresenceType_BR macro does not exist. | \Classes\SalesSalesEInvoice_CustTable\parmPresenceType_BR | 5 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #TaxGSTReliefGroupHeading_MY macro does not exist. | \Classes\SalesSalesEInvoice_CustTable\parmTaxGSTReliefGroupHeading_MY | 5 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #TaxRegistration_Cust macro does not exist. | \Classes\SalesSalesEInvoice_CustTable\parmTaxRegistration_Cust | 5 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #CustSettlement macro does not exist. | \Classes\SalesSalesEInvoice_CustTrans\createCustSettlement | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #CustSettlement macro does not exist. | \Classes\SalesSalesEInvoice_CustTrans\existsCustSettlement | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #CustSettlement macro does not exist. | \Classes\SalesSalesEInvoice_CustTrans\parmCustSettlement | 5 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
Variable exciseTaxCalcHandler has not been declared. | \Classes\TaxSales\createTaxAdjustmentFromOriginTrans_IN | 13 | \Classes | Err:9 |
The #CFDIUUID_MX macro does not exist. | \Classes\VendPayments_LedgerJournalTrans\existsCFDIUUID_MX | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #CommProfileType_RU macro does not exist. | \Classes\VendPayments_LedgerJournalTrans\existsCommProfileType_RU | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #CFDIUUID_MX macro does not exist. | \Classes\VendPayments_LedgerJournalTrans\parmCFDIUUID_MX | 5 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #CommProfileType_RU macro does not exist. | \Classes\VendPayments_LedgerJournalTrans\parmCommProfileType_RU | 5 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The wrong number of arguments has been specified for the method. | \Classes\VendVoucher\newVendVoucherJournal | 125 | \Classes | Err:10 |
The wrong number of arguments has been specified for the method. | \Classes\WHSInvent\updateFinanciallyLite | 42 | \Classes | Err:10 |
The wrong number of arguments has been specified for the method. | \Classes\WHSWorkExecute\adjustOrderTransQty | 64 | \Classes | Err:10 |
Variable hcmPersonPrivateDetails_IN_ds has not been declared. | \Forms\HcmWorker\Methods\init | 114 | \Forms | Err:9 |
Variable hcmACACoverageGroupAssignment has not been declared. | \Forms\HcmWorker\Methods\setACACoverageControls | 3 | \Forms | Err:9 |
Unknown source for data method editEstimatedAmount. The method does not exist in the data source or table. | \Forms\MarkupTrans\Designs\DesignList\editEstimatedAmount | 1 | \Forms | Err:127 |
Unknown source for data method existsBudgetResLineForAgreementLine. The method does not exist in the data source or table. | \Forms\PurchAgreement\Designs\DesignList\BudgetReservationLine_PSN | 1 | \Forms | Err:127 |
Unknown source for data method PISCOFINSFixedAssetCreditAppropMethod_BR. The method does not exist in the data source or table. | \Forms\PurchTable\Designs\DesignList\PISCOFINSFixedAssetCreditAppropMethod_BR | 1 | \Forms | Err:127 |
Unknown source for data method PISCOFINSFixedAssetCreditGroup_BR. The method does not exist in the data source or table. | \Forms\PurchTable\Designs\DesignList\PISCOFINSFixedAssetCreditGroup_BR | 1 | \Forms | Err:127 |
Unknown source for data method PISCOFINSFixedAssetCreditInstallments_BR. The method does not exist in the data source or table. | \Forms\PurchTable\Designs\DesignList\PISCOFINSFixedAssetCreditInstallments_BR | 1 | \Forms | Err:127 |
Unknown source for data method PISCOFINSFixedAssetCreditPurpose_BR. The method does not exist in the data source or table. | \Forms\PurchTable\Designs\DesignList\PISCOFINSFixedAssetCreditPurpose_BR | 1 | \Forms | Err:127 |
Variable calledFromCustomerService has not been declared. | \Forms\SalesCopying\Methods\close | 5 | \Forms | Err:9 |
Unknown source for data method PISCOFINSFixedAssetCreditAppropMethod_BR. The method does not exist in the data source or table. | \Forms\VendEditInvoice\Designs\DesignList\PISCOFINSFixedAssetCreditAppropMethod_BR | 1 | \Forms | Err:127 |
Unknown source for data method PISCOFINSFixedAssetCreditGroup_BR. The method does not exist in the data source or table. | \Forms\VendEditInvoice\Designs\DesignList\PISCOFINSFixedAssetCreditGroup_BR | 1 | \Forms | Err:127 |
Unknown source for data method PISCOFINSFixedAssetCreditInstallments_BR. The method does not exist in the data source or table. | \Forms\VendEditInvoice\Designs\DesignList\PISCOFINSFixedAssetCreditInstallments_BR | 1 | \Forms | Err:127 |
Unknown source for data method PISCOFINSFixedAssetCreditPurpose_BR. The method does not exist in the data source or table. | \Forms\VendEditInvoice\Designs\DesignList\PISCOFINSFixedAssetCreditPurpose_BR | 1 | \Forms | Err:127 |
The VendInvoiceInfoTable::deepCopyFromActiveToSaved method is obsolete. This method is no longer used. | \Forms\VendEditInvoice\Methods\saveInvoicesAndClose | 31 | \Forms | Err:191 |
The operand for the method is not an element. | \Data Dictionary\Tables\DMFEntity\Methods\defaultEntityEx | 25 | \Data Dictionary\Tables | Err:96 |
The wrong number of arguments has been specified for the method. | \Data Dictionary\Tables\TmpInventTransMark\Methods\updateTmpMark | 434 | \Data Dictionary\Tables | Err:10 |
The wrong number of arguments has been specified for the method. | \Classes\CFMCustVendProposalOrgPropose\addLedgerJournalTrans | 38 | \Classes | Err:10 |
The wrong number of arguments has been specified for the method. | \Classes\CFMPaymentRequestCreatePaymJourCustVend\addPaymentRequestToPayment | 4 | \Classes | Err:10 |
The wrong number of arguments has been specified for the method. | \Classes\CFMPaymentRequestCreatePaymJourCustVend\preProcessJournal | 15 | \Classes | Err:10 |
The #ForeignTaxRegistration_MX macro does not exist. | \Classes\ConnCustomerOrg_CustTable\existsForeignTaxRegistration_MX | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #ForeignTaxRegistration_MX macro does not exist. | \Classes\ConnCustomerOrg_CustTable\parmForeignTaxRegistration_MX | 5 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #ForeignTaxRegistration_MX macro does not exist. | \Classes\CustECollectLetter_CustTable_NO\existsForeignTaxRegistration_MX | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #ForeignTaxRegistration_MX macro does not exist. | \Classes\CustECollectLetter_CustTable_NO\parmForeignTaxRegistration_MX | 5 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The wrong number of arguments has been specified for the method. | \Classes\CustInterestAdjust\post | 20 | \Classes | Err:10 |
The #ForeignTaxRegistration_MX macro does not exist. | \Classes\CustPayments_CustTable\existsForeignTaxRegistration_MX | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #ForeignTaxRegistration_MX macro does not exist. | \Classes\CustPayments_CustTable\parmForeignTaxRegistration_MX | 5 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #CFDIUUID_MX macro does not exist. | \Classes\CustPayments_LedgerJournalTrans\existsCFDIUUID_MX | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #CommProfileType_RU macro does not exist. | \Classes\CustPayments_LedgerJournalTrans\existsCommProfileType_RU | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #CFDIUUID_MX macro does not exist. | \Classes\CustPayments_LedgerJournalTrans\parmCFDIUUID_MX | 5 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #CommProfileType_RU macro does not exist. | \Classes\CustPayments_LedgerJournalTrans\parmCommProfileType_RU | 5 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
Variable custInterestAdjustmentAction has not been declared. | \Classes\CustPostInvoice\parmIsCustInterestAdjustment_BR | 10 | \Classes | Err:9 |
Variable isPaymentRequestsEnabled has not been declared. | \Classes\CustVendCreatePaymJournal\calc | 20 | \Classes | Err:9 |
The wrong number of arguments has been specified for the method. | \Classes\CustVendCreatePaymJournal\createFromCashFlowJournal | 64 | \Classes | Err:10 |
Variable isPaymentRequestsEnabled has not been declared. | \Classes\CustVendCreatePaymJournal\new | 13 | \Classes | Err:9 |
Variable isGeneratedFromPaymentSchedule has not been declared. | \Classes\CustVendCreatePaymJournal\parmIsGeneratedFromPaymentSchedule | 1 | \Classes | Err:9 |
Variable isPaymentRequestsEnabled has not been declared. | \Classes\CustVendCreatePaymJournal\updateQueryCompanyRange | 23 | \Classes | Err:9 |
Variable isPaymentRequestsEnabled has not been declared. | \Classes\CustVendCreatePaymJournal_Vend\searchTransactions | 46 | \Classes | Err:9 |
Variable isPaymentRequestsEnabled has not been declared. | \Classes\CustVendCreatePaymJournal_Vend\updateQuery | 103 | \Classes | Err:9 |
Variable paymentRequestTable has not been declared. | \Classes\CustVendPaymProposalCalcPaym\parmPaymentRequest | 1 | \Classes | Err:9 |
Variable paymentRequestTable has not been declared. | \Classes\CustVendPaymProposalCalcPaym\paymAmountInvoiceCur | 16 | \Classes | Err:9 |
The wrong number of arguments has been specified for the method. | \Classes\CustVendPaymProposalModifyPaymAttributes\run | 41 | \Classes | Err:10 |
Variable isPaymentRequestsKeyEnabled has not been declared. | \Classes\CustVendPaymProposalTransferToJournal\new | 5 | \Classes | Err:9 |
Variable isPaymentRequestsKeyEnabled has not been declared. | \Classes\CustVendPaymProposalTransferToJournal\updateLedgerJournalTransFromPaymLine | 23 | \Classes | Err:9 |
Variable isPaymentRequestsKeyEnabled has not been declared. | \Classes\CustVendPaymProposalTransferToJournal\updateMarkedInvoice | 18 | \Classes | Err:9 |
Variable isPaymentRequestsEnabled has not been declared. | \Classes\CustVendPaymProposal\addCustVendTransOpen | 101 | \Classes | Err:9 |
Variable isPaymentRequestsEnabled has not been declared. | \Classes\CustVendPaymProposal\clear | 46 | \Classes | Err:9 |
Variable isPaymentRequestsEnabled has not been declared. | \Classes\CustVendPaymProposal\findOrCreate | 108 | \Classes | Err:9 |
Variable isPaymentRequestsEnabled has not been declared. | \Classes\CustVendPaymProposal\new | 6 | \Classes | Err:9 |
Variable changePaymMode has not been declared. | \Classes\CustVendPaymProposal\parmChangePaymMode | 1 | \Classes | Err:9 |
Variable isGeneratedFromPaymentSchedule has not been declared. | \Classes\CustVendPaymProposal\parmIsGeneretedFromPaymentSchedule | 1 | \Classes | Err:9 |
Variable isPaymentRequestsEnabled has not been declared. | \Classes\CustVendPaymProposal\removeCustVendTransOpen | 29 | \Classes | Err:9 |
Variable changePaymMode has not been declared. | \Classes\CustVendPaymProposal\resolvePaymAccountAndType | 40 | \Classes | Err:9 |
Variable commProfileType has not been declared. | \Classes\CustVendVoucher\parmCommProfileType_RU | 1 | \Classes | Err:9 |
The wrong number of arguments has been specified for the method. | \Classes\CustVoucher\newCustVoucherJournal | 71 | \Classes | Err:10 |
The #hashMessageCashFlowManagementFlag macro does not exist. | \Classes\DimensionStorage\getComboHash | 46 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The operand for the method is not an element. | \Classes\DMFIMTableEntityClass\getReturnFields | 3 | \Classes | Err:96 |
The operand for the method is not an element. | \Classes\DMFItemMasterTableEntityClass\getReturnFields | 3 | \Classes | Err:96 |
Syntax error. | \Classes\DmfProductImportEntityClass\classDeclaration | 4 | \Classes | Err:9999 |
Variable exciseTaxPostHandler has not been declared. | \Classes\FormletterJournalPost\post | 58 | \Classes | Err:9 |
Variable taxAmountMST has not been declared. | \Classes\InventJournalCheckPost_Movement\calcRemainingTaxAmountMST_IN | 48 | \Classes | Err:9 |
Variable remainingTaxAmountMap has not been declared. | \Classes\InventJournalCheckPost_Movement\createAndPostExpensePayableTaxJournal_IN | 29 | \Classes | Err:9 |
Variable whsLocationMixingConstraintCheckSkip has not been declared. | \Classes\InventUpdate\parmWhsLocationMixingConstraintCheckSkip | 1 | \Classes | Err:9 |
Variable whsLocationLoadChangeTracker has not been declared. | \Classes\InventUpd_Physical\parmWHSLocationLoadChangeTracker | 1 | \Classes | Err:9 |
The InventUpd_Physical::addWMSLocationLoad method is obsolete. Use InventUpdate.physicalOnHandChanging | \Classes\InventUpd_Physical\updatePhysicalIssue | 178 | \Classes | Err:191 |
The InventMovement::parmTotalIndirectCostAmount method is obsolete. The totalIndirectCostAmount variable has been deleted following the post to charge DCR DAXSE#2808572. | \Classes\InventUpd_Physical\updatePhysicalReceipt | 122 | \Classes | Err:191 |
Variable onHandCriteriaSet has not been declared. | \Classes\InventUpd_Reservation\determineInventDimOnHandCriteria | 9 | \Classes | Err:9 |
The wrong number of arguments has been specified for the method. | \Classes\InventUpd_Reservation\newParameters | 28 | \Classes | Err:10 |
Variable inventDimOnHandSelectionCriteria has not been declared. | \Classes\InventUpd_Reservation\parmInventDimOnHandSelectionCriteria | 6 | \Classes | Err:9 |
Variable onlyReserveOnWHSEnabledWarehouses has not been declared. | \Classes\InventUpd_Reservation\parmOnlyReserveOnWHSEnabledWarehouses | 1 | \Classes | Err:9 |
Variable reservationFailed has not been declared. | \Classes\InventUpd_Reservation\parmReservationFailed | 3 | \Classes | Err:9 |
Variable throwOnInsufficientOnHand has not been declared. | \Classes\InventUpd_Reservation\parmThrowOnInsufficientOnHand | 1 | \Classes | Err:9 |
The wrong number of arguments has been specified for the method. | \Classes\InventUpd_Reservation\updateReserveRefTransIdOnOrder | 12 | \Classes | Err:10 |
Variable reservationFailed has not been declared. | \Classes\InventUpd_Reservation\whsUpdateReserveMore | 163 | \Classes | Err:9 |
The #CFDIUUID_MX macro does not exist. | \Classes\LedgerCustPaymJournal_LedgerJournalTrans\existsCFDIUUID_MX | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #CommProfileType_RU macro does not exist. | \Classes\LedgerCustPaymJournal_LedgerJournalTrans\existsCommProfileType_RU | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #CFDIUUID_MX macro does not exist. | \Classes\LedgerCustPaymJournal_LedgerJournalTrans\parmCFDIUUID_MX | 5 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #CommProfileType_RU macro does not exist. | \Classes\LedgerCustPaymJournal_LedgerJournalTrans\parmCommProfileType_RU | 5 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
Variable isIntercompanyPRMapNeeded has not been declared. | \Classes\LedgerJournalCheckPost\setIntercompanyPRJournalTransMap | 10 | \Classes | Err:9 |
Variable isPaymentRequestEnable has not been declared. | \Classes\LedgerJournalCheckPost\updateInterCompanyJournal | 92 | \Classes | Err:9 |
Variable isIntercompanyPRMapNeeded has not been declared. | \Classes\LedgerJournalCheckPost\updateIntercompanyPRJournalTrans | 12 | \Classes | Err:9 |
The #INT_13 macro does not exist. | \Classes\LedgerJournalTransUpdateVend\updateNow | 201 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #DimensionAttributeValueCombination macro does not exist. | \Classes\ProdProjEInvoice_CustPaymModeTable\createDimensionAttributeValueCombination | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #DimensionAttributeValueCombination macro does not exist. | \Classes\ProdProjEInvoice_CustPaymModeTable\existsDimensionAttributeValueCombination | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #PaymentType_MX macro does not exist. | \Classes\ProdProjEInvoice_CustPaymModeTable\existsPaymentType_MX | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #DimensionAttributeValueCombination macro does not exist. | \Classes\ProdProjEInvoice_CustPaymModeTable\parmDimensionAttributeValueCombination | 5 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #PaymentType_MX macro does not exist. | \Classes\ProdProjEInvoice_CustPaymModeTable\parmPaymentType_MX | 5 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #DirPartyContacts_Cust macro does not exist. | \Classes\ProdProjEInvoice_CustTable\createDirPartyContacts_Cust | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #DirPerson_Cust macro does not exist. | \Classes\ProdProjEInvoice_CustTable\createDirPerson_Cust | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #MainContactWorker_Cust macro does not exist. | \Classes\ProdProjEInvoice_CustTable\createMainContactWorker_Cust | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #TaxRegistration_Cust macro does not exist. | \Classes\ProdProjEInvoice_CustTable\createTaxRegistration_Cust | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #DirPartyContacts_Cust macro does not exist. | \Classes\ProdProjEInvoice_CustTable\existsDirPartyContacts_Cust | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #DirPerson_Cust macro does not exist. | \Classes\ProdProjEInvoice_CustTable\existsDirPerson_Cust | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #ForeignerId_BR macro does not exist. | \Classes\ProdProjEInvoice_CustTable\existsForeignerId_BR | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #MainContactWorker_Cust macro does not exist. | \Classes\ProdProjEInvoice_CustTable\existsMainContactWorker_Cust | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #PresenceType_BR macro does not exist. | \Classes\ProdProjEInvoice_CustTable\existsPresenceType_BR | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #TaxGSTReliefGroupHeading_MY macro does not exist. | \Classes\ProdProjEInvoice_CustTable\existsTaxGSTReliefGroupHeading_MY | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #TaxRegistration_Cust macro does not exist. | \Classes\ProdProjEInvoice_CustTable\existsTaxRegistration_Cust | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #DirPartyContacts_Cust macro does not exist. | \Classes\ProdProjEInvoice_CustTable\parmDirPartyContacts_Cust | 5 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #DirPerson_Cust macro does not exist. | \Classes\ProdProjEInvoice_CustTable\parmDirPerson_Cust | 5 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #ForeignerId_BR macro does not exist. | \Classes\ProdProjEInvoice_CustTable\parmForeignerId_BR | 5 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #MainContactWorker_Cust macro does not exist. | \Classes\ProdProjEInvoice_CustTable\parmMainContactWorker_Cust | 5 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #PresenceType_BR macro does not exist. | \Classes\ProdProjEInvoice_CustTable\parmPresenceType_BR | 5 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #TaxGSTReliefGroupHeading_MY macro does not exist. | \Classes\ProdProjEInvoice_CustTable\parmTaxGSTReliefGroupHeading_MY | 5 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #TaxRegistration_Cust macro does not exist. | \Classes\ProdProjEInvoice_CustTable\parmTaxRegistration_Cust | 5 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #CustSettlement macro does not exist. | \Classes\ProdProjEInvoice_CustTrans\createCustSettlement | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #CustSettlement macro does not exist. | \Classes\ProdProjEInvoice_CustTrans\existsCustSettlement | 3 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The #CustSettlement macro does not exist. | \Classes\ProdProjEInvoice_CustTrans\parmCustSettlement | 5 | \Classes | Err:9994 |
The PurchFormletterParmDataInvoice::initSubTableSourceAccountingEvent method is obsolete. This method is no longer used. | \Classes\PurchFormletterParmDataInvoice\chooseLinesFromPurchSelectLinesManager | 161 | \Classes | Err:191 |
The VendInvoiceInfoTable::existActive method is obsolete. This method is no longer used. | \Classes\PurchFormletterParmDataInvoice\createParmTable | 81 | \Classes | Err:191 |
The VendInvoiceInfoSubMarkupMatchingTrans::copyFromSavedToActive method is obsolete. This method is no longer used. | \Classes\PurchFormletterParmDataInvoice\deepCopyFromSavedToActive | 115 | \Classes | Err:191 |
The VendInvoiceInfoTable::existActive method is obsolete. This method is no longer used. | \Classes\PurchFormletterParmDataInvoice\processAdditional | 21 | \Classes | Err:191 |
*This post is locked for comments