I am trying to deploy/host an existing configured Dynamics 365 Marketing Event web site (XXX.microsoftcrmportals.com) on to an existing Powerapps community portal (xxxx.powerappsportals.com).
I have a Dynamics 365 Portal license and a trial Powerapps Community Portal.
According to the following article https://docs.microsoft.com/en-gb/dynamics365/marketing/portal-optional:
"As when setting up a new instance, the setup wizard will either claim an existing Dynamics 365 Portal licence to work with Dynamics 365 Marketing (if a free licence is available on your tenant), or create a demo Power Apps Portal for you (which will expire in 30 days, after which you must start paying for it)."
and the following article https://docs.microsoft.com/en-gb/dynamics365/marketing/purchase-setup:
"Use Dynamics 365 Portals: Select this option if you will run your landing pages and event website on a dedicated Dynamics 365 or Power Apps Portal running on your tenant and linked to your Dynamics 365 Marketing instance. Portals are licensed separately. If you already have an unconfigured Dynamics 365 Portals licence on your tenant, then Dynamics 365 Marketing will claim that licence and integrate with it. If you don't have any Dynamics 365 Portals licences available, then the setup wizard will create a trial Power Apps Portals instance and integrate with that. The trial is free, but expires in 30 days, after which you must either begin paying for it or stop using it. (Power Apps Portals licences are priced according to consumption (logins and page loads), while Dynamics 365 Portals licences are priced per instance.) For details about portal licensing, see the Power Apps and Flow licensing FAQ."
I have converted the domain name of the Dynamics Marketing event portal from microsoftcrmportals.com to powerappsportals.com as described here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powerapps/maker/portals/admin/update-portal-domain
I was expecting the Dynamics 365 Marketing wizard to prompt me to chose a powerappsportals.com and therefore being able to target my community portal, but is still prompting me microsoftcrmportals.com which is not what we would like to achieve.
Anyone has tried to do this, that can point me to the right direction or tell me that is not possible ?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Kind Regards