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Brand Profiles - Error Code: 2147747120

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I created a Brand Profile in Dynamics 365 Marketing. Since we don't use Business unit, I removed this from the Brand Profile and now I'm unable to edit, delete or do anything with this specific profile. Whenever I try to edit it, I get the following error code: 2147747120.

Other details in the error message is as follows:

Unable to retrieve attribute=owningbusinessunit for entityLogicalName=msdynmkt_brandprofile. Entity has Attribute Count=9. AttributeNames= ownerid, statecodename, owneridtype, owneridname, msdynmkt_name, msdynmkt_brandprofileid, owneridyominame, statecode, msdynmkt_social_facebook

Originally this field was populated with the following info:


Anyone know an easy way to fix this without having to involve dev/tech/DB team?

  • antando Profile Picture
    antando on at
    RE: Brand Profiles - Error Code: 2147747120


    Apologies for the inconvenience caused here!

    Can you clarify whether you removed the Business Unit field from the form or from the Brand Profile table in dataverse itself?

    If it is the former, then my recommendation would be to add it back to the form and hide it for the time being. With the June release, this unexpected behavior would get fixed and you wouldn't have to handle it yourself anymore.

  • Suggested answer
    Aga M Profile Picture
    Aga M on at
    RE: Brand Profiles - Error Code: 2147747120

    Hi SveinS,

    Thank you for the question.
    Please create a support ticket so that we can investigate the issue.

    Best regards,

    PM, D365 Marketing

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