Hi all,
I've created an event in Dynamics, with a marketing form that is hosted in wordpress, with the custom URL in the event app so i still can track the registrations. I created a customer journey with a segment of x people that would receive an email with a link to the website for signing up. This worked perfectly the last time I tried.
My question is:
Could I still create a new page on wordpress, with the same form (for sharing the link on social media), and then create a new customer journey that starts with "submitted a form" (instead of segment). Would this affect the first customer journey that starts with a segment? Or is the best way to create a whole new event, new page, new form, or, would it work to have the same form in two customer journeys without it affecting eachother?
Yes, just the one form.
For my invited Contacts Swimlane one ends if they Register. They will jump onto Swimlane 2 if they register. If not they get a reminder.
For non-invited Contacts such as Website and Social Media referrals they jump directly onto Swimlane 2
Using "On Form submission" to start a new swimlane covers all invited and non-invited Contacts.
Thank you Chris!
So you're using the same registration form for both swimlanes in this picture? And they're not going to affect eachother?
Hi Filippa,
Not sure why you would need to create a new WP page with the same form.
You could have 2 swimlanes in yor CJ.
SWL 1 - Your invited segment - If registered etc - next step
SWL 2 - Starts with "Form submitted"
That way you capture both your invited customers and the ones who sign up via SM.
I use two swimlanes for our Teams Live Events. The first is to capture all Invited participants via Email.
The second starts with Form submission - This means anyone with the link to the reg page can register. We mainly use this to capture SM referrals.
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