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Customer experience | Sales, Customer Insights,...

Marketing form for segment and external

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Hi all,

I've created an event in Dynamics, with a marketing form that is hosted in wordpress, with the custom URL in the event app so i still can track the registrations. I created a customer journey with a segment of x people that would receive an email with a link to the website for signing up. This worked perfectly the last time I tried.

My question is:

Could I still create a new page on wordpress, with the same form (for sharing the link on social media), and then create a new customer journey that starts with "submitted a form" (instead of segment). Would this affect the first customer journey that starts with a segment? Or is the best way to create a whole new event, new page, new form, or, would it work to have the same form in two customer journeys without it affecting eachother?


  • CHK1970 Profile Picture
    CHK1970 560 on at
    RE: Marketing form for segment and external

    Yes, just the one form.

    For my invited Contacts Swimlane one ends if they Register.  They will jump onto Swimlane 2 if they register. If not they get a reminder.

    For non-invited Contacts such as Website and Social Media referrals they jump directly onto Swimlane 2

    Using "On Form submission" to start a new swimlane covers all invited and non-invited Contacts.

  • Filippa f Profile Picture
    Filippa f 160 on at
    RE: Marketing form for segment and external

    Thank you Chris!

    So you're using the same registration form for both swimlanes in this picture? And they're not going to affect eachother?


  • Verified answer
    CHK1970 Profile Picture
    CHK1970 560 on at
    RE: Marketing form for segment and external

    Hi Filippa,

    Not sure why you would need to create a new WP page with the same form.

    You could have 2 swimlanes in yor CJ.

    SWL 1 - Your invited segment - If registered etc - next step

    SWL 2 - Starts with "Form submitted"

    That way you capture both your invited customers and the ones who sign up via SM.

    I use two swimlanes for our Teams Live Events. The first is to capture all Invited participants via Email.

    The second starts with Form submission - This means anyone with the link to the reg page can register. We mainly use this to capture SM referrals.


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