Periodically -- when entering stuff in the Payment Journal, mostly -- I notice that my Document No. seems to have "stuck" and is repeating itself. To my knowledge, I have not done anything differently during that section of entries; I'm not using the COPY LINE that would split the line and indicate the same Doc No. should be used on multiple lines. Occasionally during data entry, I will use F8 (COPY FIELD) to duplicate a Dimension Code or Description from the previous line, but that's it. I AM NOT A NAV SAVANT; next-to-zero training -- only know how to do the basic monthly data entry of coded Purchase Invoices, Cash Receipts, and Payment Journal data. (Just qualifying my knowledge level :)
I've searched HELP and cannot find an answer -- other than the RENUMBER DOCUMENT NUMBERS function. Which I have tried ... (with all entries highlighted, with NO entries highlighted, with eyes open, with eyes closed, at 3 a.m. while cursing mightily ... you get the idea.) Alas, no success with any combination.
WHY is this happening?!?!?!?
And how do I fix it -- other than manually changing the ends of 50 document numbers ... AAARRRGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!
I am in the US; the parent company for which I input this data is in Singapore. Could this be, in any way, a hiccup due to long-distance login/connectivity issues???
Grateful for any/all help and wisdom! (Please accompany any suggestions with VERY BASIC instructions for how to do what you are suggesting so that I can try it!!!)
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