RE: Appointments not converting to Teams Meeting
Please check the scope setting of your workflow.

You can achieve your request by adjusting the above option.
Here are the four options that can define your Workflow Scopes.
1. User
The Workflow will only run against entity records owned by the owner of the Workflow. Therefore, it’s almost set up like an individual Workflow.
When you elect this Scope, it means it will only run on the records owned by the same user as the Workflow user.
2. Business Unit
The Workflow will run against entity records for all owners that are in the same business unit as the Workflow owner.
3. Parent:Child Business Unit
Enabling this Scope means the Workflow will run against entity records for all owners that are in the same business unit and any child business unit(s) of the Workflow owner.
Consider you have two child business units that belong to one parent business unit and three child business units that belong to a different parent business unit.
If the user is in the first parent business unit, any entity records owned by individuals within that business unit or its two child units will be included in the Workflow.
4. Organization
The Workflow will affect all records within your Dynamics Organization. It is the scope setting used most often.