1. Created SO12 |(sales order for customer)
2. Created PO12 (for the same sales order created a purchase order to supplier as we are not having those items in stock ) from SO12
3. Confirmed SO12 and PO12
4. Now SO12 is available in Sales lines in Load planning work bench form and PO12 is available in Purchase order lines in Load planning work bench form
5. In our business process Inbound and Outbound teams are different.
6. Outbound team will start their work by creating outbound load. For them to create outbound load for SO12, they should first know if the PO associated with it (PO12) is received in warehouse or not. One way is to open the PO and look for the PO status. But on daily basis we will have so many SO lines available in Load planning workbench and we have to create many loads and it is not possible to open each SO and their PO(s) and check the status of the PO.
Is there any way to check if the SO line item is ready to create a load (means the PO associated with SO is received in warehouse)
Kindly suggest. Thanks in advance
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