If this is not the proper feedback venue, then please point me to the correct one.
Below is a link to the area of Microsoft Docs that discusses GP Purchase Order Processing receipts. Below this link is an italicized sentence directly copied from this discussion.
This statement should represent credible information, being that it was made either by or on behalf of Microsoft. So, I relayed this statement to a client who had asked a question about changing account distributions in purchasing receipts. After I sent that e-mail, a supervisor of mine told me that "my" statement was incorrect.
The fact that this area of Microsoft Docs was incorrect has now placed me into a position of embarrassment and low self-esteem. I have to, now, walk back what I told the client. This will damage my own credibility and could potentially endanger my career.
In addition, this has upset me so much that it has disrupted my home life.
To top it all off, this section of Microsoft Docs does not allow for the posting of feedback. That's why I'm here.
Please help me get this feedback to the right person, so that this statement may be corrected for future research.
Thank you!
Choose Distributions to open the Purchasing Distribution Entry window, where you can make changes to account distributions.