I have added a new font according to this link. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/marketing/custom-template-attributes#add-new-fonts-to-the-text-element-toolbar. This works fine, but it is not showing up in the list when styling a font.
Is there any way to do that?
Best regards,
No problem, thanks for your help. It's a pity that that is not already possible.
Hi Eline,
Sorry for the misunderstanding.
There is no way to show the additional fonts for the button.
Please customize the HTML to achieve that.
The code is something like:
Yes, that is showing up, but not here in the bar on the right side when creating a button. That is exactly my issue. The text element toolbar is working fine.
Please kindly refer to my answer in the link.
(+) Custom Google Fonts in Dynamics 365 Marketing - Dynamics 365 Marketing Forum Community Forum
it contains how to get the code which should be copied into the <head>
of your html.
The code should be something like the following code snippet.
<!-- -- Custom Open Sans font ----->
<link rel="preconnect" href="fonts.googleapis.com">
<link rel="preconnect" href="fonts.gstatic.com" crossorigin="">
<link href="fonts.googleapis.com/css2 rel="stylesheet">
<meta type="xrm/designer/setting" name="additional-fonts" datatype="font" value="Open Sans">
<meta name="referrer" content="never">
<meta type="xrm/designer/setting" name="type" value="marketing-designer-content-editor-document">
<meta type="xrm/designer/setting" name="layout-editable" value="marketing-designer-layout-editable">
<meta type="xrm/designer/setting" name="layout-max-width" value="600px" datatype="text" label="Layout max width">
<meta type="xrm/designer/setting" name="font-family" value="Open Sans, Tahoma" datatype="font" label="Font Family">
Hi Eline,
So please tell me the source of the fonts.
Or can you share the code to me?
Hi Nya,
Yes that is working fine in the text element toolbar, but not in the design bar for buttons.
Hi Eline,
It is recommended to specify the source of your fonts.
For example, here is an issue that the fonts are from Google Fonts.
(+) Custom Google Fonts in Dynamics 365 Marketing - Dynamics 365 Marketing Forum Community Forum
You can refer to my answer to in to adjust your HTML.
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