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Regression Suite Automation Tool (RSAT) certificate will randomly stop working

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Hello everyone,
I have installed RSAT and I am using the Non-Admin application version of this. My infrastructure team has created a script that reads my certificates thumbprint to give me the access I need to run RSAT.
With this set up, I am able to run and configure test cases with no problem. I create test suites and import them into RSAT. I run multiple test cases at a time and I am able to pass them all.
Every few weeks, I will receive the following error.
From the day I install the certificate, to the day I receive this error - nothing changes in terms of the set up.
However, we do push data base refreshes into our environment. Can this cause an issue?
I would appreciate any advice on this topic as it is causing a headache of re-installing a new certificate every few weeks.
Peter L
  • Suggested answer
    Hana Xue Profile Picture
    Hana Xue Microsoft Employee on at
    Regression Suite Automation Tool (RSAT) certificate will randomly stop working
    When the database is refreshed, the following elements will be deleted:
    1. Environment-specific records in the SysServerConfig, SysServerSessions, SysCorpNetPrinters, SysClientSessions, BatchServerConfig, and BatchServerGroup tables.
    2. All files stored in Azure blob storage. This includes document attachments (from the DocuValue and DocuDeletedValue tables) and custom Microsoft Office templates (from the DocuTemplate table).
    3. All batch jobs are set to Withhold status.
    4. All users will have their partition value reset to the "initial" partition record ID.
    5. All Microsoft-encrypted fields are cleared, because they can't be decrypted on a different database server. An example is the Password field in the SysEmailSMTPPassword table.
    6. Maintenance mode settings are disabled even if it was enabled in source.
    7. Dual-write configuration.
    8. Any change-tracking on entities are disabled.
    9. Service endpoints for business events and data events are removed.
    For more details, you can view the link below:
    Refresh database - Finance & Operations | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Learn

    Best Regards,

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