Good Morning,
I have one parent form and records are like the below
SalesAgreement id Desc ( 1st Form - FirstTable)
SA - 001 Test
Jobid salesAgreemntid (2nd Form - secondTable)
JO-001 SA - 001
JO-002 SA - 001
Jobid SalesAgreementId TransDate No of units ( ThirdTable - Lines)
JO -001 SA - 001 26/11/2019 1
JO -001 SA - 001 26/11/2019 2
JO -002 SA - 001 26/11/2019 3
JO -002 SA - 001 26/11/2019 1
The above table is which do not have any relation with second table
So, now on Second Form i have 1 Menu Item Button to open Third table mean Third Form
Now i have to have multi selection in Second form.
Example : If is select Both Jobs and when i click Thirdform MI on Second form I must see all 4 records which are in 3rd table
What things i tried but its not working
1. In form - Init() -
Formdatasource fds ; (Global Dec)
in init() (Did Concatenation but not woring in query ranges)
fds = element.args().record().Datasource();
JobTable jobjtableDS;
str getjobid;
for(jobjtableDS= fds.getFirst(true) ? fds.getFirst(true) : fds.cursor(); jobjtableDS; jobjtableDS= fds.getNext())
getjobid += jobjtableDS.jobid+',' ;
if (getjobid)
getjobid = subStr(getjobid,1,strLen(getjobid)-1);
I sended as
JobLine_ds.query().dataSourceTable(tableNum(JobProjLine)).addRange(fieldNum(jobProjLine, Jobid)).value(getjobid);
Test 2
Added the same range in ExecuteQuery()
Not working.
Please help me in how can i pass selected records from form how to filter based on multiple values in one range.
Have a nice day.