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Finance | Project Operations, Human Resources, ...

Tax/VAT codes transactions missing depending on Legal entity using Virtual Tables

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HI Everyone,
Appreciate you help here, this very critical. We have five legal entities in same country; they share the same tables for Tax Groups, Item Tax Groups and tax codes using virtual tables.
The problem comes when making an order the tax matrix Tax matrix  is working for some companies and not for other companies.
for example: On one legal entity when selling a Tax free item to a domestic client the Vat code ZERO "shows correctly in VAT transaction" but if I make the same order in another legal entity No TAX code appears in the Tax transactions (like a missing i join). The only difference that I see is in the the TaxOnItem and TaxGroupData the RecVersion is 1, I dont know if this has any meaning.
again greatly appreciated for your time and support.
                      VAT group = Cust/Vend

Item VAT group = Items                      
A  - Full VAT of goods and services doA  euA *(Exempt) euA 3rdA (Exempt) doA  euA **(Use tax) 3rdA 
B  - reduced VAT (processed foods) N/A N/A N/A N/A doB euB N/A
C - reduced VAT (natural foods) N/A N/A N/A N/A doC euC N/A
ASSET - VAT on assets N/A N/A N/A N/A doASSET N/A N/A
FUEL - VAT on fuel - half to be deducted N/A N/A N/A N/A doFUEL N/A N/A
  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 292,516 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    Tax/VAT codes transactions missing depending on Legal entity using Virtual Tables
    Hi CBNestor,
    The record version 1 indicates that the record itself was never changed. That is not related to your issue. Can you provide a list with all Tax related tables part of the virtual company? Do you have one or more virtual companies?
    Can you also explain what you shared in the VAT group overview table?

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