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Why are my records being automatically reassigned to a team?

Posted on by 39

A few weeks ago I made some changes to the Teams in our Power Platform environment. We have a small sales organization, so previously I'd only had one Team. It was an Owner team that had the same security role as all of its members. We wanted to give our accounting team access to our Sales app, so I made some changes. I created two new teams -- an Owner team for the Sales and Marketing group (SaMa) and an Access team for the Accounting group. The SaMa group has the same security role as the sales team members. 

Since this update has been made, we are noticing that records are being reassigned to the SaMa team at random. Currently we have hardly any automatic assignment rules at all, and none of them involve the SaMa team since it is so newly created. But every day, one of my team members is telling me that a record that they previously owned is now owned by the SaMa team.  In addition to leads, accounts, contacts, etc there are now more than 1000 activities with SaMa as the owner. What is happening???

I've just enabled auditing to see if I can work out what might be going on, but in the meantime I wanted to see if the community had any insight. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

  • shogg Profile Picture
    shogg 39 on at
    RE: Why are my records being automatically reassigned to a team?

    I've updated the Account relationships with several other entities to change from completely Parental to Customized so that Assignments are not cascaded. Hopefully this works. Thanks!

  • shogg Profile Picture
    shogg 39 on at
    RE: Why are my records being automatically reassigned to a team?

    Thank you, I think I know what might be happening based on the link you provided.

    For the opportunities that have been mysteriously reassigned, the related customer records had been intentionally assigned to the SaMa team. So I guess the cascading behavior also assigned all related opportunities to the SaMa team. 

    For assignments in particular, I don't want it to work this way. Do you know how I can change this behavior for assignments?

  • Verified answer
    Haig Liu Profile Picture
    Haig Liu Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Why are my records being automatically reassigned to a team?

    Hi shogg,

    Whether the new owner team members and the original team members overlap?

    It is also possible that members added to the new team are considered new salesperson.

    In short, records are not automatically assigned from one team to another unless you complete it manually.

    In addition to this, merging of records may also result in a change of owner.

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