Deleted the original organization and imported a fresh backup from our 8.2 environment and the original error has returned. We've upgraded our UAT server to 9.1.16 but the error still occurs. How can this be fixed?
I'm seeing this in the logs also....
2023-03-15 20:05:26.973| Info| PackageDeployer: Starting msdynce_MarketingAnchor install.
2023-03-15 20:05:26.973| Info| PackageDeployer: Starting msdynce_MarketingAnchor install with RuntimeSettings: GeoName=ONP|OperationType=DatabaseHotFix|OrgSchemaType=CRM|OriginalDBVersion=|CurrentDBVersion=|IsUpgrade=False|ExternalStorageFcb=False|FileTypeFcb=True
2023-03-15 20:11:57.364| Info| Failed to install package msdynce_MarketingAnchor on attempt 1.
2023-03-15 20:11:57.465| Info| Failed to install package msdynce_MarketingAnchor on attempt 1. Retrying in 150 seconds. Reason for retry: MultipleConcurrentSolutionOperations
2023-03-15 20:20:57.675| Info| Failed to install package msdynce_MarketingAnchor on attempt 2.
2023-03-15 20:20:57.675| Info| Failed to install package msdynce_MarketingAnchor on attempt 2. Retrying in 150 seconds. Reason for retry: MultipleConcurrentSolutionOperations
2023-03-15 20:29:59.964| Info| Failed to install package msdynce_MarketingAnchor on attempt 3.
2023-03-15 20:29:59.965| Info| Failed to install package msdynce_MarketingAnchor on attempt 3. Retrying in 150 seconds. Reason for retry: MultipleConcurrentSolutionOperations
2023-03-15 20:32:29.983| Info| Failed to install msdynce_MarketingAnchorException: Microsoft.Crm.PackageDeployment.PackageDeployerException: Package msdynce_MarketingAnchor failed to install on attempt 3.
System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault]: Cannot start another [Import] because there is a previous [Import] running at this moment. Use Solution History for more details. -- The solution installation or removal failed due to the installation or removal of another solution at the same time. Please try again later.
at Microsoft.Crm.MultiTenantPackageDeployment.PdExecutor.Process(PackageDeploymentInputArgs input, JobOutput`1 output, CancellationToken ct)
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
---> (Inner Exception #0) System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault]: Cannot start another [Import] because there is a previous [Import] running at this moment. Use Solution History for more details. -- The solution installation or removal failed due to the installation or removal of another solution at the same time. Please try again later. (Fault Detail is equal to Exception details:
ErrorCode: 0x80071151
Message: Cannot start another [Import] because there is a previous [Import] running at this moment. Use Solution History for more details. -- The solution installation or removal failed due to the installation or removal of another solution at the same time. Please try again later.
TimeStamp: 2023-03-15T20:29:47.0724208Z
Exception details:
ErrorCode: 0x80071151
Message: Cannot start another [Import] because there is a previous [Import] running at this moment. Use Solution History for more details. -- The solution installation or removal failed due to the installation or removal of another solution at the same time. Please try again later.
TimeStamp: 2023-03-15T20:29:47.0724208Z
2023-03-15 20:32:30.347| Info| PackageDeployer: Starting msdynce_ServiceAnchor install.
2023-03-15 20:32:30.348| Info| PackageDeployer: Starting msdynce_ServiceAnchor install with RuntimeSettings: GeoName=ONP|OperationType=DatabaseHotFix|OrgSchemaType=CRM|OriginalDBVersion=|CurrentDBVersion=|IsUpgrade=False|ExternalStorageFcb=False|FileTypeFcb=True
2023-03-15 20:32:39.947| Info| Failed to install package msdynce_ServiceAnchor on attempt 1.
2023-03-15 20:32:39.965| Info| Failed to install msdynce_ServiceAnchorException: Microsoft.Crm.PackageDeployment.PackageDeployerException: Package msdynce_ServiceAnchor failed to install on attempt 0.
System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault]: The 'RetrieveMultiple' method does not support entities of type 'entitlement'.
at Microsoft.Crm.MultiTenantPackageDeployment.PdExecutor.Process(PackageDeploymentInputArgs input, JobOutput`1 output, CancellationToken ct)
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
---> (Inner Exception #0) System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault]: The 'RetrieveMultiple' method does not support entities of type 'entitlement'. (Fault Detail is equal to Exception details:
ErrorCode: 0x80040800
Message: The 'RetrieveMultiple' method does not support entities of type 'entitlement'.
The import was run shortly after a reboot of the server so how could there be another import running?