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Import/Upgrade organization fails

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We have 2 environments:  8.2 in Production and 9.1 in our testing environment.  Both on-prem. 

The goal is to import our Production organizations into our testing environment and make that our new production environment.  I've imported/upgraded from Production into testing once before successfully so that tells me the permissions are correct.  A second import of the same organization fails.  (It's a fresh restore of the SQL backup from a later date.)  The deployment manager shows that the new import overwrote the original working organization but failed.  Browsing the site works OK though.  That makes no sense!

The log shows this for an error:

Error| Import Organization (Name=MyOrg2, Id=d1633d7f-7c9d-ed11-83cc-0e8c5761132f) failed with Exception:
Microsoft.Crm.CrmException: Encountered non-terminal failures during DBUpdates. Failing actions are: msdynce_MarketingAnchor, msdynce_ServiceAnchor
at Microsoft.Crm.Tools.Admin.OrganizationDBUpdateInstaller.ProcessFailedActions()
at Microsoft.Crm.Tools.Admin.OrganizationDBUpdateInstaller.<>c__DisplayClass19_0.<Execute>b__0()
at Microsoft.PowerApps.CoreFramework.ActivityLoggerExtensions.Execute(ILogger logger, EventId eventId, ActivityType activityType, Action action, IEnumerable`1 additionalCustomProperties)
at Microsoft.Xrm.Telemetry.XrmTelemetryExtensions.Execute(ILogger logger, XrmTelemetryActivityType activityType, Action action)
at Microsoft.Crm.Tools.Admin.OrganizationDBUpdateInstaller.Execute()
at Microsoft.Crm.Tools.Admin.ImportOrganizationInstaller.Import(Guid organizationId, String organizationUniqueName, String organizationFriendlyName, String sqlServerName, String databaseName, Uri reportServerUrl, ICollection`1 users, MultipleTenancy multipleTenancy, Boolean patchOnImport, OrgDbUpdateMode orgDbUpdateMode, OrgType orgType)

Not sure if it's really broken or the Deployment Manager is just lying to me. 

  • PhilipK Profile Picture
    PhilipK 611 on at
    RE: Import/Upgrade organization fails

    Hi again WillD44.

    Yeah, In all my years with Dynamics CRM/365 I haven't heard of a organization(environment) become corrupted because of importing another organization database to a working deployment.
    However, the Deployment Manager should refuse you to import another organization with the same organizationid as this would definitely cause issues as you are mentioning.
    So.. was any attempt been made to alter the organizationid of this secondary database(same/backup as the one already active)?

    This is what i would say a known scenario and unfortunately Microsoft has not provided any option/tool for on-premise to generate a new id for an copy of an organization database to be imported into the same deployment.
    The option is available Online(like copy environment) and it's most likely just an backup/restore along with a MS SQL Script generating new orgnizationid taking place, but there is no MS article or tehnote on how to perform this in on-premise.
    I recall I did this once for a customer back in the CRM 2011 days as a temporary quick fix, so it's been a while and I wouldn't propose it even if I remembered as it's formally unsupported to make direct changes to the databases except for direct instructions from MS rep, technote such.

    More common however is to have a completely isolated Dev, Test, AT and Production environment where this doesn't become an issue.

    Hope this helps.

  • WillD44 Profile Picture
    WillD44 168 on at
    RE: Import/Upgrade organization fails

    Thanks for the response Philip.

    My account was already part of the PrivUserGroup.  I ended up rebuilding the CRM server again and upgraded to 9.1.16.  The import from 8.2 to 9.1 then worked.  This is becoming a pattern.  If the pattern continues, no further imports will work.  The next import will fail and corrupt the current organization which causes it to become 'un-deleteable'.  At that point the server will no longer function with any organization and we'll be forced to rebuild again.  Usability seems to be a low priority for this platform.

    The issue may be a duplicate organization ID.  Since the second import is a later backup of the same production organization, the ID is the same.  Anybody ever deal with a scenario like this when building a 2nd "testing" environment?  Is there some way to import as new or some way to update the dB before importing so the IDs won't clash?

  • Suggested answer
    PhilipK Profile Picture
    PhilipK 611 on at
    RE: Import/Upgrade organization fails

    Hi WillD44.

    If I recall we did see this error for one of our upgrade projects from v8.2 to v9.0 and the error message about the msdynce_ServiceAnchor is just an consequential error, and the real error is seen earlier in the logs.
    And if my memory service me well, we found out through the logs that the user(deployment admin) performing the import was not a member of the "PrivUserGroup" , which it needs to be.
    I would suggest checking that.

    We also also had to run an SQL script for all 8 organizations databases in this upgrade project prior to the import/upgrade to v9.0 which is I provide below(it was orginially from MS rep.on a post here in the community).

    UPDATE Entity
    SET IsOfflineInMobileClient = 1
    WHERE ObjectTypeCode IN (953, 954) AND IsOfflineInMobileClient = 0

    Keep in mind thou that this was for upgrading from 8.2 to v9.0 and not 9.1, and I personally have not had the "fortune" to do that jump, but I would expect many of the errors encountered 8.2->9.0 would apply going directly to the latest v9.1.
    But all those 8 organisation databases is now on v9.1.

    Hope this helps. 


  • WillD44 Profile Picture
    WillD44 168 on at
    RE: Import/Upgrade organization fails

    Deleted the original organization and imported a fresh backup from our 8.2 environment and the original error has returned.  We've upgraded our UAT server to 9.1.16 but the error still occurs.  How can this be fixed?

    I'm seeing this in the logs also....

    2023-03-15 20:05:26.973|   Info| PackageDeployer: Starting msdynce_MarketingAnchor install.

    2023-03-15 20:05:26.973|   Info| PackageDeployer: Starting msdynce_MarketingAnchor install with RuntimeSettings: GeoName=ONP|OperationType=DatabaseHotFix|OrgSchemaType=CRM|OriginalDBVersion=|CurrentDBVersion=|IsUpgrade=False|ExternalStorageFcb=False|FileTypeFcb=True

    2023-03-15 20:11:57.364|   Info| Failed to install package msdynce_MarketingAnchor on attempt 1.

    2023-03-15 20:11:57.465|   Info| Failed to install package msdynce_MarketingAnchor on attempt 1. Retrying in 150 seconds. Reason for retry: MultipleConcurrentSolutionOperations

    2023-03-15 20:20:57.675|   Info| Failed to install package msdynce_MarketingAnchor on attempt 2.

    2023-03-15 20:20:57.675|   Info| Failed to install package msdynce_MarketingAnchor on attempt 2. Retrying in 150 seconds. Reason for retry: MultipleConcurrentSolutionOperations

    2023-03-15 20:29:59.964|   Info| Failed to install package msdynce_MarketingAnchor on attempt 3.

    2023-03-15 20:29:59.965|   Info| Failed to install package msdynce_MarketingAnchor on attempt 3. Retrying in 150 seconds. Reason for retry: MultipleConcurrentSolutionOperations

    2023-03-15 20:32:29.983|   Info| Failed to install msdynce_MarketingAnchorException: Microsoft.Crm.PackageDeployment.PackageDeployerException: Package msdynce_MarketingAnchor failed to install on attempt 3.

    System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault]: Cannot start another [Import] because there is a previous [Import] running at this moment. Use Solution History for more details. -- The solution installation or removal failed due to the installation or removal of another solution at the same time. Please try again later.

      at Microsoft.Crm.MultiTenantPackageDeployment.PdExecutor.Process(PackageDeploymentInputArgs input, JobOutput`1 output, CancellationToken ct)

      at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()

      --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

    ---> (Inner Exception #0) System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault]: Cannot start another [Import] because there is a previous [Import] running at this moment. Use Solution History for more details. -- The solution installation or removal failed due to the installation or removal of another solution at the same time. Please try again later. (Fault Detail is equal to Exception details:

    ErrorCode: 0x80071151

    Message: Cannot start another [Import] because there is a previous [Import] running at this moment. Use Solution History for more details. -- The solution installation or removal failed due to the installation or removal of another solution at the same time. Please try again later.

    TimeStamp: 2023-03-15T20:29:47.0724208Z


    Exception details:

    ErrorCode: 0x80071151

    Message: Cannot start another [Import] because there is a previous [Import] running at this moment. Use Solution History for more details. -- The solution installation or removal failed due to the installation or removal of another solution at the same time. Please try again later.

    TimeStamp: 2023-03-15T20:29:47.0724208Z

    2023-03-15 20:32:30.347|   Info| PackageDeployer: Starting msdynce_ServiceAnchor install.

    2023-03-15 20:32:30.348|   Info| PackageDeployer: Starting msdynce_ServiceAnchor install with RuntimeSettings: GeoName=ONP|OperationType=DatabaseHotFix|OrgSchemaType=CRM|OriginalDBVersion=|CurrentDBVersion=|IsUpgrade=False|ExternalStorageFcb=False|FileTypeFcb=True

    2023-03-15 20:32:39.947|   Info| Failed to install package msdynce_ServiceAnchor on attempt 1.

    2023-03-15 20:32:39.965|   Info| Failed to install msdynce_ServiceAnchorException: Microsoft.Crm.PackageDeployment.PackageDeployerException: Package msdynce_ServiceAnchor failed to install on attempt 0.

    System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault]: The 'RetrieveMultiple' method does not support entities of type 'entitlement'.

      at Microsoft.Crm.MultiTenantPackageDeployment.PdExecutor.Process(PackageDeploymentInputArgs input, JobOutput`1 output, CancellationToken ct)

      at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()

      --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

    ---> (Inner Exception #0) System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault]: The 'RetrieveMultiple' method does not support entities of type 'entitlement'. (Fault Detail is equal to Exception details:

    ErrorCode: 0x80040800

    Message: The 'RetrieveMultiple' method does not support entities of type 'entitlement'.

    The import was run shortly after a reboot of the server so how could there be another import running?

  • WillD44 Profile Picture
    WillD44 168 on at
    RE: Import/Upgrade organization fails

    Wiped the server, reinstalled Windows Server 2019, Rebuilt the SQL Server, and installed Dynamics 9.0 then upgraded to 9.1.15.  Now the import worked.

    That was a lot of work.

  • WillD44 Profile Picture
    WillD44 168 on at
    RE: Import/Upgrade organization fails

    Just tried another import of an 8.2 organization into our 9.1 environment.  Different error now.  This one makes even less sense.

    2023-02-01 16:09:42.822|  Error| Import Organization (Name=MyOrg3, Id=8dc0f8c4-2225-e811-942a-000c296552c3) failed with Exception:

    Microsoft.Crm.CrmException: Upgrade Organization with Id=8dc0f8c4-2225-e811-942a-000c296552c3 failed with Exception:

    System.Exception: Error.ActionFailed Microsoft.Crm.Tools.Admin.UpgradeDatabaseAction ---> Microsoft.Crm.CrmException: Database having version is not supported for upgraded.

    Seems to be misreading the version of the org being imported.

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