Hi Guys,
I wanna to ask, why is the inventory value report show inventory value without inventory qty?
I gen the inventory value report, report show me a inventory value but no inventory qty.
How can it happen and how to resolve this
Hi Guys,
I wanna to ask, why is the inventory value report show inventory value without inventory qty?
I gen the inventory value report, report show me a inventory value but no inventory qty.
How can it happen and how to resolve this
Hello Dexin,
Can you have a look at the following post and try to execute similar steps?
Best regards,
I did tried both of your suggestion
1. Both the inventory counting and inventory closing adjustment couldn't allow to to adjust the inventory cost for no on-hand qty
Hello Dexin,
I see.
The only other thing that I can imagine is posting a inventory counting journal for a quantity of 0.
Alternatively, try to make use of the adjustment functionality in the inventory closing and adjustment form, which should become available with the inventory close and that allows you to modify the value.
Best regards,
Yes, i did done by inventory closing and recalculation but can't get ride of the figure. Anywhere to get ride of the figure?
Hello Dexin,
Have you already run an inventory recalculation for those items?
Best regards,
Initially i am activating my inventory cost by site and warehouse.
Lastly i have activated the financial cost by Site, Warehouse and by batch no.
As a result, when i view my inventory value report by site, warehouse and batch, i can inventories have on physical qty but with inventory value (positive and negative value)
Please refer to below:
Anywhere to zerorize the inventory value for those inventory that with zero qty
Hi all,
Thank you so much for sharing your valuable information.
I manage to sort out the root cause.
Actually the issue is explainable as below:
Storage dimension = Financially for Site and Warehouse
Tracking dimension = Financial marked for batch control
1. Purchase FG0001 at difference costing at different batch no
2. Issue out the is not sequential batch no, system will base on the FIFO method to allocate the cost,
Hi Dexin,
Could you please show your the screenshot of tracking and storage dimension groups?
Do you use the inventory model of moving average or weighted avg. date?
If so, my screenshot can show one of the reasons.
This post talked a lot about it: https://community.dynamics.com/ax/f/33/t/229915?pi61711=1#responses
Yes, I do activate financial cost by batch. What is the impact for this?
In addition, do you track financial inventory values at the batch level?
Can you double check that in your tracking dimension group form?
Best regards,
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