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Delete the Audit logs except the Audit history of entities

Posted on by 1
Hi All,
Now  I'm facing the issue of /Out of Log capacity storage/.
To resolve that Issue I start deleting the Audit logs by using audit log management in the power platform admin center.
But I don't want to delete the Audit history of the entities.
Q1)  In which table all this audit data(Audit logs and audit history of entities ) is stored? what's the table name
Q2) Are these Audit logs and Audit History data saved in the same table or a different table?
Q3) Are audit history and Audit logs the same or different?
Q4)  If I delete the audit logs by using audit log management through the power platform admin center then whether the Audit history is also deleted or not? If the Audit history of entities is going to be deleted, Give the approach like deleting the audit logs except the audit history of entities.
Can anyone please help to solve this issue?
I'm using MS Dynamics 365 Online.
Thanks in Advance.
  • Suggested answer
    PerezAguiar Profile Picture
    PerezAguiar on at
    Delete the Audit logs except the Audit history of entities

    An audit log is the file that contains a set of entries related to whatever you're auditing, while the Audit History is the term used for all changes done on a single record.  For example: You modify & assign a Lead on April 16, and assign a second lead to a colleague, On April 17 you assign the first lead to someone else.  
    This means that most likely you'll have 2 log files:  april 16 (which contains 2 entries, Lead1 and lead2) and April 17 that will contain Lead 1.   And you'll have an audit history of 2 days for Lead1 and 1 day for lead 2.

    The auditing is stored in a single structure that contains the affected entity and the changes done.  If you delete any part of this, you'll be removing both things:  the logs and the history.
    Best scenario would be to export the data that is older (into an excel sheet for example) and then remove the data from PowerPlatform.
    I hope this answer has helped you solve your problem. If you are satisfied with it, please consider marking it as the excellent answer by clicking on the green check mark below. This will help other users who have similar questions find the best solution.
     Thank you for your feedback!

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