Hi All,
Now I'm facing the issue of /Out of Log capacity storage/.
To resolve that Issue I start deleting the Audit logs by using audit log management in the power platform admin center.
But I don't want to delete the Audit history of the entities.
Q1) In which table all this audit data(Audit logs and audit history of entities ) is stored? what's the table name
Q2) Are these Audit logs and Audit History data saved in the same table or a different table?
Q3) Are audit history and Audit logs the same or different?
Q4) If I delete the audit logs by using audit log management through the power platform admin center then whether the Audit history is also deleted or not? If the Audit history of entities is going to be deleted, Give the approach like deleting the audit logs except the audit history of entities.
Can anyone please help to solve this issue?
I'm using MS Dynamics 365 Online.
Thanks in Advance.