Hi, i need to get tax from taxtrans table, but my report is fatching data from customized table common is invoiceid of salesid,
i wrote code
invoiceid = dataContract.parmInvoiceID();//having invoice id of sales invoice
while select mytable where mytable.invoiceid == invoiceid
mytmp.name = mytable .name;
mytmp.invoiceid = mytable .invoiceid
select mytable where mytable.invoiceid == custinvoicetrans.invoicetrans join taxtrans
where taxtrans.inventtransid == custinvoicetrans.inventtransid
mytmp.taxvalue = taxtrans.taxvalue
but problem is in this select i am getting only one record till it find invoice id in first loop( means same inventtransid)
Please advice me how i get next inventtransid everytime
Thanks in advance
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