How do I print a simple trial balance as of a given date without detail?
How do I print a simple trial balance as of a given date without detail?
This was helpful. Thank you.
I did discover that for PM is was Purchasing>Reports>Trial Balance and for RM is was Sales>Reports>Trial Balance. It was a bit confusing at first, however, I did figure it out.
Hello Rick99,
For GL : Go to Reports>Financials>Trial Balance and select the summary option>Click new and configure as desired.
For PM : Go to Reports>Purchasing>Trial Balance and select "aged trial balance with options" (for only open transactions) or "historical aged trial balance (for open and historical documents) click new and unmark the detail checkbox. Configure the rest of the report as desired.
For RM: Go to Reports>Sales>Trial Balance and select "aged trial balance with options"or "historical aged trial balance, Click new and unmark the detail checkbox. Configure the rest of the report as desired.
Is this AR, AP or GL
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