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Customer insights timeline relationship

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I'm configuring an activity in CI to make legacy activities visible on the CI timeline in Dynamics CE.

I don't understand the Relationship-step; is this the actual relationship that will be used to match activities to customers?

1. Why can't I pick a relationship I created before in CI?

2. When creating this relationship I can only select the entity (, the primary key is then designated based upon the unified customer profile. I can't tell that another unique identifier (the Pk of the legacy CRM that we added as a custom field on CE.Contact) on this entity needs to be used to create the relationship.

How can I manage this? 

Thanks for your advice!

  • Paulien Lb Profile Picture
    Paulien Lb 125 on at
    RE: Customer insights timeline relationship

    Thanks again Francis,

    I understand, will do so.

  • Suggested answer
    FrancisRomstad Profile Picture
    FrancisRomstad 205 on at
    RE: Customer insights timeline relationship

    Hi Paulien,

    You can see if there are other inputs to your challenge, it is a bit complicated area of CI and CI also improves/changes in this area. So there might be other solutions.

    I believe however, that you need to keep the mindset that all data sources with a pk and activities around it should get ingested separately and 3M'ed into the customer.

    In our case we have many sources, CE, Adobe, Bookings etc. Even though I have some of the keys from one system showing in another, I treat all systems as separate, with their "profile" and activities.

    So yes, add a separate entity with the (but only with the pk as column). 3M that into the customer. Then you should be fine.

    I usually quite quickly in Power Query make a reference table based on the activities, delete all columns except the pk, and distinct this. Then you have your legacyProfiles (which have activities).


  • Paulien Lb Profile Picture
    Paulien Lb 125 on at
    RE: Customer insights timeline relationship

    Thanks for your prompt response Francis, I don't fully understand though.

    Are you suggesting I should add a seperate entity of the legacy.contacts to CI? And include this in the Unified Profiles?

    We migrated those legacy contacts to and added the LegacyPK as alternate key to it on a customfield. In CI for the Unified Profiles I'm using the D365.Contact entity and have included the LegacyPK in the Merge step.

    It would feel redundant to add the same contacts in a seperate entity to CI solely to be able to connect the legacyactivitues to the legacyPK.

  • Verified answer
    FrancisRomstad Profile Picture
    FrancisRomstad 205 on at
    RE: Customer insights timeline relationship

    Hi Paulien,

    This is by design. When you select a primary key on a source, it is expected that this is the key used to connect activities to this source.

    You have to look at your legacy system as a separate source, with the PK of your legacy system as the "contact". In your ingest queries, you will then have one table with the "activities", and create a reference query where you take all you PKs and take a distinct on these.

    You then have all unique pk's (LegacyProfile) and the activities  (LegacyActivities) for this system. You treat this as a seperate system (which it actually is).

    You can then map match merge these pk's into you customer on a matching rule on = LegacyProfile.PK.

    Then you can create an activity with LegacyActivities with 1:N on LegacyProfile.PK - LegacyActivity.

    Hope it makes sense?


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