We have built a custom integration using the CIF framework. On the CIF's side, everything works as expected (meaning that I am able to search records, add phone activities, etc). However, on the client side, none of the client side events is ever triggered. I am able to see in the Chrome's console logs that the event handlers are set the the CIF based page loads - below is the code snippet where the event handle is is attached
Microsoft.CIFramework.addHandler("onpagenavigate", pageNavigateHandler);
console.log("Added pageNavigateHandler to the panel");
When the user navigates from one page to another (i.e from one contact to another one) the pageNavigateHandler handler is never triggered. If I review the Chrome's logs, I am able to see 2 errors that are keep poping up all the time:
The first kind of error is the one below
10:13:56.411 /%7b637241646380017147%7d/webresources/CRMClients/msdyn_internal_ci_library.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: Failed to construct 'URL': Invalid URL
at /%7b637241646380017147%7d/webresources/CRMClients/msdyn_internal_ci_library.js:1
at Array.find (<anonymous>)
at t.postMsgWrapper.processMessage (/%7b637241646380017147%7d/webresources/CRMClients/msdyn_internal_ci_library.js:1)
The second kind of error is:
Uncaught in promise : occurred as no response was received from listener window
However the event handler function does nothing else than to print a confimation message to the console so it cannot throw any errors.
Has anyone else faced a similar issue ?