Hi all please to meet you.
we are an SME that are looking to utilise dynamics 365 sales for our CRM system with a plan to also utilise business central to help us grow our business.
We are new to sales 365 and have started to modify the layout and the information that we required to capture, We have lots ideas about how to utilise the CRM system to help grow our business but are looking for help wit the follow:-
- where can we learn about 365 sales development
- what are the tips.
- dataverse, we are looking to collect a lot of data can we utilise this through dataverse
- how do we design a process flow.
- we have 2 companies can we utilise the data across multiple email address?
- are 3rd part's worth getting involved as they seem the charge very high fee?
- can we create email quote acceptance systems
- can you create an online form that auto populates clients account details?
- that we create a customer portal with links the CRM?
- how do we design a process flow.
as you can see I am only just starting out so any help would be greatly appreciated?