We are using Business central and we have an MDM core solution (BC core) which is synching to all local BC instances. We want to add the country of origin already in the Master BC and synch it to the local instances. However, we may have one item (same item) that could be purchased from an EU country within one company but it could also be purchased from a Non-eu country in another country.
How shall we handle the country of origin in this case from MDM?
e.g. UK (Has own local BC instance) could buy item /A/ from a British supplier but the same item /A/ could be bought from Turkey when it comes to our Finnish company (they also have a locl BC). Here we have same item but with different countries of origin and we want to have the item set up in Business central Master and synch all the information to all local Businesse cnetral..
Would activating multiple country of origing on item card the ultimate solution? or are there any suggestions.