Hi there,
I am currently in the process of setting up budget planning for
a client who only uses two financial dimensions for this purpose.
Could you advise me on how to exclude the "segments and allowed values"
that are not required? Specifically, the account structure has been configured
for AccNo 5000, with mandatory requirements for Cost Center,
Business Unit, and Vendor. However, the client only uses Cost Center and Business Unit in their budget planning.
Every time I submit the Budget Plan for review, its throwing errors.
Thank you for your help.
As far as I see, there's no out-of-the-box (OOTB) solution for what you want to accomplish. The budget uses the account structures. You can plan in a different layout, but in the end, it needs to conform to the structure.
The budgeting plans rules do the inverse approach that you are looking for, they add dimensions that are not in the account structure.
"Budget planning rules are identical to advanced rules, and both types of rules can be used for budget plans. However, budget planning rules can be used in budget plans to support and validate financial dimensions that are not part of the account structures for the general ledger."
Create advanced account structures and rules for budget planning | Microsoft Learn
Ok. I found the Problem.
It seems like the advanced rules restrict the entries.
Is there option to generate a acc structure only for budetting?
Why can I not, make rules only for Budgetting plans?
what is OOB? Could you guide me please... I am lost...
You can not do this OOB as far as I know.
I want every value beside CostCenter to be optional.
How to set up this?
You need to define the business unit. Why business unit is blank?
I am thing
the setting should be done here:
Layout Setting: I chose LedgetDimSet with the CC,BU.
My client want only use, two FD in budget, cause of the rules in the structures it asking more than two.
I get this message, when I try to submit the plan.
How did you configure the budget plan layout? Did you receive that message when you submitted the budget plan through workflow?
Hi thank you for response.
I set this up already. Thats not the problem...its more the set ups on
General ledger > Chart of accounts > Structures > Configure account structures:
which affect my budget.
What I got, when I am trying to submit my buget plan:
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