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Deleted objects breaking build pipeline

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Posted on by 11
Hi there,
I am a developer for a D365 end user.  We have a single model that is in an azure devops repo and we have a nightly build process that gets the latest from our repo and creates a build that can be deployed to our test environments via a release pipeline.  I've noticed a few times now, if we delete an object from our repo, often times our build process will fail as the xml file for that object seems to still be in our build machine and the build process tries to compile it.  We believe we tracked this down to a backup, stored in the J drive of our build machine containing that file and that file is being copied to the K drive where the build occurs.  Then the latest from our repo is copied to the K drive, updating all the files with the latest but not removing the deleted file and hence causing the error when the compile process happens.  I'm sure it's an issue on our end but I don't understand, why is this file in the backup on the J drive?  What is the actual purpose of the backup on the J drive?  Should the backup on the J drive contain all of the folders in the K://AosService//PackagesLocalDirectory EXCEPT for the folder for my model?  We got around this a few times by deleting our model folder from both the J and the K drive on the build machine and we got a successful compile but then a month or so later when somebody deleted another file the same issue happened again.  Does anyone have any idea what is the purpose of the backup that is stored in J and restored to K before the latest code is copied over the top and compiled?  Thanks in advance for any light anyone can shed on this!
  • Community member Profile Picture
    Community member 11 on at
    Deleted objects breaking build pipeline
    Thank you Martin!  I appreciate you confirming that.  I believe this is happening when we update our build server and somebody manually deleted the backup in J but didn't clean up our custom model in K so the next backup included our stuff in there.  I appreciate your help!
  • Verified answer
    Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,540 Most Valuable Professional on at
    Deleted objects breaking build pipeline
    The purpose of the backup is ensuring that each build starts with a clean environment. Having customizations in the backup is indeed a problem.
    The backup is created automatically if it doesn't exist, but the process assumes that it happens when the environment is clean. If someone installs your custom model on the build server and the build pipeline creates the backup, it'll include your model and you'll get into troubles like what you described above.

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