RE: Showing Wrong Quantity in different no of copies
Hi Jsshivalik,
That is because of the way the RDLC report is handling the data. Because you are using the SUM method in RDLC for the scope of the report it will summarise all the Quantities sent through. Run your report in preview and go to help/about this page to see your data.
I think you should create a Global Variable for your Total Quantity, add it to your dataset and calculate it in C/AL.
For example if you look at Report 206, TotalAmount is a Global Variable and in the Sales Invoice Line - OnAfterGetRecord() trigger you will see this line of code: TotalAmount += Amount;
You can do the same in your report after receiving the Lines you can add them to the TotalQuantity variable and display that in your RDLC report instead of using the SUM method.