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DEV URL is not opening - D365FO

Posted on by 1,319
Hi All,
DEV application URL is not opening , getting the below info messages:
Tried restarting all related services, even restarted DEV server as well.
Able browse other things in Edge browser in DEV, only DEV application is not opening.
Please advice how we can resolve this issue.
  • Akbar Pasha Profile Picture
    Akbar Pasha 1,319 on at
    DEV URL is not opening - D365FO
    Hi Andre,
    We are going to apply the 10.0.37 service update similar as PROD, dev is having 10.0.35.
    Hi Navneeth,
    1. I rotated the secrets from LCS, after that i am getting this error, even all the related services are up and running, even tried restarting those.
    2. World wide web services are up and running.
    3. Can you please guide me how we can check if the firewalls are blocking the application.
    4. Full build and DB sync completed without any errors.
    5. web.config is pointing to DEV database only.
    Hi Deepka,
    Status of DEV in LCS is "Deployed".
  • Navneeth Nagrajan Profile Picture
    Navneeth Nagrajan 1,439 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    DEV URL is not opening - D365FO
    The following pre-requisites should be verified for this issue:
    1. Check the IIS Server Certificates. Ensure they are upto date or else do a Rotate SSL Certificates in the environment. This will update all the Server certificates in the environment.
    2. Check if the services are running W3SVC (World wide web services are up and running). 
    3. Also, ensure there are no firewalls blocking your access to the environment (if any).
    4. Finally, do a full build of the environment and a db sync to ensure there are no errors in the environment.
    5. Also, check if the web.config is pointing to the right environment components and not to any Tier 2 or tier 3 environments.
  • Deepak Agarwal Profile Picture
    Deepak Agarwal 148 on at
    DEV URL is not opening - D365FO
    Did you checked whats the status of this environment on LCS?
  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 291,151 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    DEV URL is not opening - D365FO
    If you already tried reverting the changes to the report, you can also check what will happen if you install a quality update to this environment. This helped for me in the past with some instable environments. 
    Have you also tried applying the same customizations on another environment?
  • Akbar Pasha Profile Picture
    Akbar Pasha 1,319 on at
    DEV URL is not opening - D365FO
    Hi Andre,
    DB sync was successful without errors.
    PDF file as image has added in the report.
    We are not getting any errors while opening the Visual Studio.
    Tried logging into the DEV application from LCS, it is throwing the below info:
  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 291,151 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    DEV URL is not opening - D365FO
    Hi Akbar,
    Was the build and DBSync successful without errors? What exact changes were applied to the report? Can you try to remove the changes done to the report and check again? Is it also giving an error when you have Visual Studio open on the DEV VM?
  • Akbar Pasha Profile Picture
    Akbar Pasha 1,319 on at
    DEV URL is not opening - D365FO
    Hi Andre,
    Its an old DEV environment and was working fine, one of the team member has customized one report till that time it was working fine, but when I am trying to connect it is not working, throwing that info messages.
    Hi Muthu/Bharani,
    Tried below:
    Full Build, DB sync, restarted IIS, restarted services, 
    There is no log in event viewer.
    web.config file pointing to correct DB.
    But still the same issue,
  • Suggested answer
    Bharani Preetham Peraka Profile Picture
    Bharani Preetham Pe... 3,605 Super User 2024 Season 1 on at
    DEV URL is not opening - D365FO
    Few things you can try.
    1) Check the event viewer for any logs.
    2) Check if Visual Studio is fully builded and sync is successful.
    3) Check if iis is running.
    4) Check if there is any change in web.config file like if someone earlier tried to connect to different server for debugging/ SQL.
    Please let us know post checking these.
  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 291,151 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    DEV URL is not opening - D365FO
    Hi Akbar, 
    Can you tell if it was working before or if this is a new environment? If it was working before, what got changed?
  • Suggested answer
    MuthukumaranAX Profile Picture
    MuthukumaranAX 2,907 on at
    DEV URL is not opening - D365FO
    Can you do full build and sync and then try again ?

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