Is it possible to host a landing page with a own authenticated domain?
When I create a landing page with a form via the D365 Marketing Editor and set its status to LIVE how is the process there?
Will the link automatically generated with the partial url and can I access the page via the button on the own domain?
If the issue has been solved, it would be appreciated if you could click "Yes" to verify my answer.
If there is any further doubt, please do not hesitate to let me know.
Maybe you could refer to the following tutorial video:
Using Google Analytics & Google Tag Manager In A Dynamics Portal - YouTube
It is not an OOTB feature in Dynamics.
Nya thanks!
A bit off topic. How would we manage to tack the form submissions on our landing page (hosted with D365 Marketing) in Google Analytics?
Yes, you are right.
Unless this test.com can be used as an Angular site hosted externally.
Ok Nya thanks!
So the base URL cannot be changed, however the subdomain could be.
In a scenario where I want to create the landing page in D365 Marketing and set it to live with the URL of my domain e.g. test.com is not possible right?
I asked because our client mentioned that custom url is crucial for them to have, since their Google Analytics, cookie banners and so on run/trigger on all sites with their domain e.g test.com. If we create the landing page in D365 Marketing with the url test.microsoftportal.com it will be hard to gain insights for Google Analytics I assume.
Thanks for the fast reply Nya!
Only the URL of the marketing page hosted in Power Apps Portal can be customized and updated.
And the marketing form can be hosted with the authenticated domain.
Please refer to the following documentation:
Embed forms on external websites (Dynamics 365 Marketing) | Microsoft Docs
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