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An Error during requisition approval through Microsoft outlook Email

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Dear All

I am experiencing an error during requisition approval through Microsoft outlook Email see below.


The AD account that configured the Web Service for requisitions gave issues and was blocked and another account was created and its currently running the windows service for the requisitions. Could this be the cause?. what could be the solution?.


  • Verified answer
    RE: An Error during requisition approval through Microsoft outlook Email

    This type of error, seen when users are attempting to approve workflows through email notifications sent to approvers, is usually due to Web Services not being setup or configured correctly, so we’ll address that first: 

    1. Against your DYNAMICS/system database for Dynamics GP 2018 R2, run the following script:

                          Select * from WSInstallStatus

              In this table, you should see 5 loader records for the DYNAMICS/system database that Web Services is installed onto it, and 4 loader records for each company database you installed Web Services onto.

              Verify that you see the company database(s) listed in this table with the 4 records, each of the records show a 18.0 version and the status of each loader is 0 (zero) meaning it installed successfully. If you do not see the company database that you’re using Workflow in, then you’ll need to run the Web Services Configuration Wizard to install Web Services onto it, otherwise you won’t be able to approve workflows through email for that company database.

     2. Logged onto the server where Web Services is installed as a Security Admin for Web Services, browse into the Administrative Tools and launch the Dynamics Security Console and expanding Console Root > Microsoft Dynamics Security > Microsoft Dynamics GP Web Services, click on ‘Policy’ and verify you see the list of 20 or so policies, and no error message.

    Next, right-click on 'Entity ID Assignments' and click Add. In the 'Add Entity ID Assignment' window that opens, select the company you’re getting the error for, then select an Entity Type that you know exists in this company database, whether Customers, Employees, Salesperson, Vendor. Verify that the data can be pulled and displayed for this company database and we don't see any type of error.


    3. Make sure all approvers can successfully access the http://ServerName:48620/Dynamics/GPService URL, which is the WCF endpoint for Web Services that is the foundation for the action links in the workflow emails to approvers.

         If the approvers cannot access this endpoint URL in a browser window, we need to identify why, otherwise the workflow email links won’t work. **Replace ‘ServerName’ with the actual server name that Web Services is installed onto, and what you should have entered in the Workflow Setup window for the workflow email actions.**


    4. Lastly, in Control Panel > Administrative Tools, launch the Dynamics GP Web Services Exceptions Console and verify you can click on both the 'System' and 'Validation' exceptions link without seeing any errors in the middle pane of the Console.

        Are there any exceptions listed that are related to the ‘Request Error’ the workflow approvers are receiving?


    The Event Viewer logs on both the Web Services server and machine the workflow approvers are accessing their emails from are also worth looking at, to see if there are any errors or warnings related to this Request Error.

     Has approval of the workflows through the email notification links, i.e. Web Services, ever worked for this customer, or is this the first time they’ve tried setting up and using this functionality?

     Lastly, if you copy the link from the browser window or from the ‘Approve’ link in the email and copy it to a different browser, such as Chrome or FireFox, does it show the same error or not?


     >I also wanted to mention that the approvers MUST be logged onto the machine where they’re accessing the workflow email notifications as the specific Windows user account that the workflow is assigned to, otherwise they won’t have the option to approve, reject or delegate the workflows whether in the Dynamics GP application or through emails.

        In other words, if the workflow is pending approval from Contoso\JohnDoe, the approver must be logged onto the server or machine they’re accessing their workflow emails on, as Contoso\JohnDoe, then, if after they click the approval links it prompts them for user credentials, they’ll also want to enter the same user credentials of the account the workflow is assigned to and pending approval from.


     >Also, as Web Services uses HTTP by default, users clicking the approval links in the emails for Workflow MUST be logged onto the same domain/network as Web Services and Dynamics GP are installed onto. External users would need to VPN into the network or have Web Services configured to use https/SSL certificate, for which we have a blog on.


    These are the basic troubleshooting steps we'd give for this type of message, in an support case. If you need further assistance, we'd probably need an actual support case to look more at your environment.


  • Suggested answer
    Beat Bucher  GP Geek  GPUG All Star Profile Picture
    Beat Bucher GP Gee... 28,056 Moderator on at
    RE: An Error during requisition approval through Microsoft outlook Email

    Hi RomRyan,

    Try running a 'repair' on the Dynamics GP Web Services and check the account in GP Utilities, as you changed the domain account, GP might still have references of the old one in its configuration..

    Check the setup guide and follow along to see were you need to change it. It possibly could be done by editing some .config file, but since password is involved and is certainly encrypted, it's best to run thru the setup process again.

  • Romryan Profile Picture
    Romryan on at
    RE: An Error during requisition approval through Microsoft outlook Email

    Any comment and suggestion?

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