I have a scenario where I have an existing segment of customers that we market to however I wish too,
My issues are that (i just tested this as i assumed it would be this way)
I don't want the journey to start on existing segment members, i want it to be so that when we convert to customer and the dynamic segment identifies this the journey starts but only for new members not existing.
Can anyone tell me the best way to achieve this?
Thanks in advance
Order - Date Fulfilled , Rgds
Hi Alexadkin,
Thanks for sharing solution.
Could you share me which date field did you use?
Because you said "modified date" will change everyday.
Happy to read that using time attribute helped. Can you please mark the question as answered then?
the criteria is that a customer places an order and then in turn we change their relationship type to customer.
I have been able to setup a segment that uses date fulfilled on order then and "on or after" filter.
This works actually
customer journey can start with a segment, form or record updated (docs.microsoft.com/.../customer-journey-tiles-reference).
With that, I can see options that partially address your question but will need adjustment on your side as well. Below are my thoughts in this regards.
1) target entity for segmentation is a contact. You wrote that "customer" is an attribute of an account. If this can be propagated to a contact level, then you could use "record updated" to initiate customer journey for those contacts who have this attribute changed.
2) I assume that all segment members who are "customers" went through this customer journey (=process) once and you don't want them to participate any more. You need this journey to be applied to only new members acquiring status of the "customer". If that assumption is true it may help to
a) create a dynamic segment filtering accounts with "customer" attribute, starting from "now" (you may have a date of signing the contract or any other time related attribute to exclude your old customers)
b) create a journey the usual way. As all contacts can pass through each tile of the journey only once, further on only new members of the segment will be involved in this customer journey while old ones will stay in a segment not participating in the process any more (as they have passed it once before)
Hope this helps
Good luck with solving your problem
Hi Alexadkin,
Could you share me criteria that how would you like to identify new customers?
Thanks Clofly,
The "customer" status lives on the account entity, as such the contact won't work, also accounts are modified daily so the modified on also wont work.
Hi Alexadkin,
Is "customer" a field of Contact entity?
Here is my guess:
The contact is an existing record, once the option set field is updated to "customer", then this person will be regarded as a new customer.
If my guess would be right,
once any field of entity is updated, the "modified on" field will be updated automatically,
then you could retrieve new customers by selecting a range of period.
Find contacts who will be modified within 2 days,
and you could add an extra field to be set in the flow to make result more precise.
e.g: a two option field: "Is in XX business process?", by default the field is false, set it to true in the flow.
In a word, we could identify new customers with date time fields.
Please kindly point out if I misunderstand your requirement.
Thanks Clofly,
We do not use Marketing forms currently, when an order is processed a flow runs to update an option set field to "customer" this is how the segment identifies the customer and they would enter the dynamic segment. Are there other suggestions based on how we identify the customer?
Hi Alexadkin,
You can create an inbound customer journey for new customers:
In Contact entiy, the "Source marketing form" field will be automatically populated if new contact record is created from marketing form. (The field is in Details tab)
Once these new customers have been created,
you can retrieve them with another query block, then union it with block of existing customers in same segment.
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