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Opt-in versus Opt-out

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Hi Forum

I have a client who wants an 'opt-in' approach rather than the 'opt-out' approach that D365 Marketing has as standard.  

The 'do not email' form field maps to the 'DoNotBulkEmail' field - and when ticked sets this field to 'Do Not Allow' on form submission.  I need to reverse this behaviour - so when the field is ticked it sets to 'Allow'

Has anyone solved for this before?

I'm pretty sure I could do it with a new form field and a workflow (and hide/remove the opt-out field form the form)

But is there a simpler solution here?


  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Opt-in versus Opt-out

    Hi Richard,

    Thanks for sharing solution, I'll wait for your feedback.



  • Richard@BarheadAU Profile Picture
    Richard@BarheadAU 160 on at
    RE: Opt-in versus Opt-out

    Thanks Clofly - we've approached this with a similar solution - added an 'Opt-in' field to the Lead entity, mapped this to a new field on the web enquiry form, put a workflow behind this to switch the 'DoNotBulkEmail' flag to 'Allow'.  We're testing as I type to see if it's worked

  • Suggested answer
    d_radulova Profile Picture
    d_radulova 2 User Group Leader on at
    RE: Opt-in versus Opt-out

    Hi Richard,

    We have implemented a similar requirement with subscription lists.

    - By default do no bulk email for all new customers is set to not bulk email them.

    - Then when they sign up for a subscription list, we update the bulk email and use the marketing lists as an entry point to a customer journey or for segmentation.

    - You still need the Do not bulk email for legal reasons on your unsubscribe marketing page.



  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Opt-in versus Opt-out

    Hi Richard,

    Do you mean below?



    If so, I thought your method would be best solution: create a workflow at back end to reverse the behaviour.

    Because 'Do not email' field is also a dynamic value as well as other fields such as firstname or lastname, 

    custom js for field on subscription center page will conflict with default querying and submission js,

    and it won't work by adding checked attribute to the field due to all fields are dynamically populated.



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