Actually, on the download page for the SQL Runtime versions, it does state the following:
We are excited to announce the release of Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Enterprise Edition Runtime for Microsoft Dynamics.
Please note the following:
Microsoft Dynamics licenses SQL Server 2019 Enterprise Edition Runtime to be used exclusively with a unified and licensed version of Microsoft Dynamics GP, Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Microsoft Dynamics SL, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, on-premises, and Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations, on-premises. Using these licenses in conjunction with any other application – including Microsoft Dynamics CRM – is prohibited. Please refer to the SQL Server 2019 Runtime for Microsoft Dynamics Use Terms that may be found in the download folder below or alternatively here for more information. Prior to installing the software at a customer location, you are responsible for providing your customer with a copy of these use terms and making sure that you and your customer understand and agree with these terms. If either you or your customer do not accept the SQL Server 2019 Runtime for Microsoft Dynamics Use Terms, you may not install the software. Failure to comply with this obligation will be deemed a material breach of the SPA pursuant to Section 10(c).
Customers must have a SQL Server 2019 Enterprise Edition Runtime license for each deployed server. SQL Server 2019 Enterprise Edition Runtime Client Access License (CALs) are licensed per (named) user or per device. Each individual directly or indirectly accessing the SQL data (through a Microsoft Dynamics UI or any other mode) must be licensed with a SQL Server CAL. If the individual accesses the information uniquely via shared devices (and no other mode), those devices may be covered with SQL Server CALs, instead of having to license a SQL Server User CAL for that individual, as long as the customer acquires a SQL Server Device CAL for each of those devices. In any case, SQL Server is not licensed concurrently.
For example, if a customer has licensed Microsoft Dynamics with 5 Full Concurrent CALs used by 10 individuals, plus 7 User CALs used by 7 individuals, plus 3 Device CALs used by 15 individuals, the customer would need to license 20 SQL CALs: - 10 SQL User CALs for the 10 individuals accessing Microsoft Dynamics using the 5 Concurrent CALs because SQL is not licensed on a concurrent basis - 7 SQL User CALs for the 7 individuals accessing Microsoft Dynamics using the 7 User CALs - 3 SQL Device CALs for the 15 individuals accessing Microsoft Dynamics via the 3 shared devices licensed with 3 Device CALs.
Please note that SQL Server 2019 Enterprise Edition Runtime licenses do not have License Mobility rights and are not entitled to the reenrollment policy.
Customers with an active Enhancement Plan that are currently running one of the unified products and versions listed below and with SQL Server 2017 Enterprise Edition Runtime on their account will automatically be upgraded to SQL Server 2019 Enterprise Edition Runtime in PSBC. If you are a Partner and your Customer is having any issues with this upgrade, please submit a service request to your Microsoft Dynamics Regional Operations Center .
Hopefully this is the information you're looking for.