RE: Enable a Security policy only for some companies(Legal Entities)
Hello Andre,
First of all I really appreciate you for the answer.
As a matter of fact,I've created some queries on transaction tables,such as SalesTable,PurchTable,CustTrans,VendTrans,GeneralJournalEntry,....with setting a range on coresponding transaction date field and the value of ">1/1/2019".Then I have created a SecurityPolicy per each query.But when I set a contextString they didn't I set nothing and they were enabled on all security roles.
After getting a successful test on everything,I got a different requirement from users that this restriction must be enforced only for some legal entities and in others,it must be disabled.According to the huge amount of my development on this issue,I am going to find a solution with less change.I am seeking for a way to disable a security policy for some legal entities by code in runtime.I think this is the reasonable solution.
Could u please inform me the way?
Best regards.