girish s
i am using this code and the diloge box is opening but its not passing the selected lines value in the dilog
sorry the debugger is not working
PUBLIC class DT_UpdateDialoge_DK extends RunBase
DialogField dialogtransDate;
DialogField dialogcostType;
DialogField dialogMerchantId;
DialogField dialogVatID;
DialogField dialogamountCurr;
TrvExpMerchantId trvExpMerchantId;
TrvExpMerchantId trvExpMerchantIdVatID;
TrvTransactionCurrencyAmount currencyAmount;
TrvDateStd transDate;
TrvCostTypeEDT costType;
FormDataSource formDataSource;
TrvExpTrans expTrans;
public static void main(Args _args)
DT_UpdateDialoge_DK demoDialog = new DT_UpdateDialoge_DK();
// Display the dialog. This only returns true if the the user clicks "Ok" and validation passes.
TrvExpTrans expTransBuffer = _args.record();
if (demoDialog.prompt())
//Logic when Ok is clicked goes here
public TrvExpTrans parmTrvExpTrans(TrvExpTrans _expTrans = expTrans)
expTrans = _expTrans;
return expTrans;
Object dialog()
Dialog dialog = super();
dialog.caption("Update Line");
dialog.addTabPage("Tab page");
DialogGroup dialogGroup = dialog.addGroup("Dialog group");
// Add a field for a name to the dialog. This will populate the field with
// any value that happens to be saved in name from previous uses of the
// dialog.
dialogtransDate = dialog.addFieldValue(extendedTypeStr(transDate),'',"TransDate");
dialogcostType = dialog.addFieldValue( extendedTypeStr(TrvCostTypeEDT),'',"Expence Catagory");
dialogMerchantId = dialog.addFieldValue(extendedTypeStr(trvExpMerchantId),'',"Merchant");
dialogVatID = dialog.addFieldValue(extendedTypestr(TrvExpMerchantId),'',"Merchant VatID");
dialogamountCurr = dialog.addFieldValue(extendedTypestr(TrvTransactionCurrencyAmount), '',"Transaction Amount");
return dialog;
but when i use this code i get error on costtype an i am getting record in args.record but dont know how to pass it in dialog field
can you plz help me out on this.
dialogtransDate = dialog.addField(extendedTypeStr(transDate));
dialogcostType = dialog.addField(this.costType);
dialogcostType.label("Expence Catagory");
dialogMerchantId = dialog.addField(extendedTypeStr(trvExpMerchantId));
dialogamountCurr = dialog.addField(extendedTypestr(TrvTransactionCurrencyAmount));
dialogamountCurr.label("Transaction Amount");
dialogVatID = dialog.addField(trvExpMerchantIdVatID);