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Modify existing out of box Credit and collection power BI report in D365 F&O

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Posted on by 752
Hi Everyone,
I want to modify existing Collection status power BI report present in Credit and collections workspace.

I downloaded power BI desktop, connected to local host and opened Credit and collections management report from below path

I found that entity being used here is CustCollectionsBICollectionStatus, so I will be adding my custom field into this entity. And then will add same column on BI report as well.
My question here is, how should I deploy this report to any environment. When it's DEV, I can copy the pbix file directly into K://AosService//PackagesLocalDirectory//ApplicationWorkspaces//ApplicationWorkspaces//AxResource//ResourceContent//PowerBIReport
But what if I want to deploy it to any other environment?

Also, as this is standard report, when we try to deploy report with same name, will it overwrite existing one? And will reflect my change into it?


  • Rhushikesh R Profile Picture
    Rhushikesh R 752 on at
    Modify existing out of box Credit and collection power BI report in D365 F&O
    Tank you Salman and Kevin for the detailed responses. Due to some technical glitch in the site, I am unable to verify Kevin's answer.
    Both responses are helpful to me.
  • Verified answer
    salman ahmad Profile Picture
    salman ahmad 97 on at
    Modify existing out of box Credit and collection power BI report in D365 F&O
    Hi the reports that are out of the box in d365 are based on the AXDW.
    please open these reports in devlopment envirement and make sure to update or refresh the entity store.
    Change anything in the report save deploy on any other envirement 
    sign into lcs.
    go the asset the power bi models
    add the new one and release canidate.
    now go to F&O and deploy the report from sys admin.
    create a new workspace jump to options and add report there hope it will work :))))
  • Rhushikesh R Profile Picture
    Rhushikesh R 752 on at
    Modify existing out of box Credit and collection power BI report in D365 F&O
    Hi Kevin,
    thank you for the detailed response.
    I will verify your answer shortly.
    Just have 2 follow up questions on your response,
    1. Do you have any link handy for Import/Export approach? If yes can you please share it here?
    2. And when I will deploy the report with new name, will I be able to show the report in the same section of workspace? If not, can I hide the existing standard one and display just new modified one?
  • Suggested answer
    Kevin Xia Profile Picture
    Kevin Xia Microsoft Employee on at
    Modify existing out of box Credit and collection power BI report in D365 F&O

    To modify the existing Collection Status Power BI report in the Credit and Collections workspace, you can follow these steps:

    1. Open the desired report file (.pbix) using Power BI Desktop.
    2. In Power BI Desktop, you can make modifications to the data model and visualizations, including adding custom fields.
    3. Once you have completed the modifications to the report, save it and publish it to the target environment.

    As for deploying it to another environment, you would need to use the appropriate deployment method based on the specific requirements of the target environment. One common approach is to use the data export/import functionality in Dynamics 365 F&O to export the modified report from one environment and import it into another environment.
    Since this is a standard report, if you attempt to deploy the report with the same name, it may overwrite the existing one. When deploying, make sure to use a new report name that does not conflict with the existing report to avoid accidental overwriting and data loss.

    Best regards,

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