I have managed to add the dimension shortcut fields to Customer List. Basically i copied the functionality from the page "Item Journal (40)" and table "Item Journal Line (83)" to page "Customer List (22)" and table "Customer (18)".
On the Page itself, the shortcuts get displayed with these function (according to page 40):
OnAfterGetRecord() ShowShortcutDimCode(ShortcutDimCode); OnNewRecord(BelowxRec : Boolean) CLEAR(ShortcutDimCode); Item No. - OnValidate() ShowShortcutDimCode(ShortcutDimCode);
I copied the ShowShortcutDimCode from 83 to 18. It calls GetShortcutDimensions from DimMgt and "Dimension Set ID" parameter is passed.
The problem is that i there is no Dimension Set ID field in the Customer table (18).
How do i get Dimension Set ID to pass it to the funtion and is this what i should be after?